Tranquility Plantation
of Granville County, NC
home of
Chesley Daniel (1730/1-1814) and
Judith Woodson Christian Daniel (1738-1825)
and their descendants

Includes records of the slaves who lived and worked there
Updated May and August 2007
Now includes: birth and death records per Woodson Daniel (son of Chesley and Judith),
tax records through 1848; more info and land records transferring Tranquility to the 3rd generation;
more about the 4th generation division (and later rejoining); more slave records.

1730-1814, from a 1782 bond

1776-1853, from an 1812 bond

1804-1853, from his 1853 will

1804-1883, from an 1860 deposition

1805-1883, from an 1844 bond
part of the generation above

1842-1909, from an 1883 inventory

Introduction: After initially publishing some information on Tranquility, I came to realize that I had enough records about Chesley and Judith Daniel to expand the page to cover their lives and more of the later history of Tranquility. I am also very grateful to direct descendants, Bill Seay, Nathaniel V. Daniel, Ed Morton, and John Sheftall who have also provided much interesting firsthand information about Tranquility.

NEW: A new document has been provided by John Sheftall; it is a listing of birth and death info for Chesley and Judith and their children, originally made by Woodson Daniel and later copied by his daughter in about 1850-52. For a fuller description of the document see the source section below. I am giving the information from this paper, using the wording as given, the names and info are in bold italic.

Of the signatures above, Woodson was Chesley's son and inherited part of Tranquility, but he is an uncle to the branch that remained at Tranquility after Chesley died. James. B. Daniel was an heir and recipient of Tranquility lands, but his brother Nathaniel C. Daniel and wife Anne H. Bullock are the ones who remained there. That is to say, the signatures do not reflect a direct Tranquility line from Chesley, but a generational one.

Chesley Daniel was born on 16 Jan 1730/1 in Middlesex VA, the son of James Daniel and Jane Hicks. His birth is listed in the Christ Church Parish Register as "Chickeley Son of James & Jane Daniel born Janry ye 16. baptized Janry ye 31. 1730." He was the grandson of Robert Daniel and Margaret Price, and great grandson of William Daniel of Middlesex and his first wife and of Robert and Jane Price. Chesley lived early on in Middlesex, and then the family moved to Albemarle; his parents sold their land in Middlesex in May 1735 and bought land in November that year in Goochland County, which would shortly be cut into Albemarle, and is today in northern Buckingham County. So it's possible Chesley was 4-5 years old when they moved. They lived on the Fluvanna River right across from the "Seven Islands", some of which James had also bought.

In the late 1740s father James began land acquisitions by patent in Lunenburg County in order to "set his sons up". Two of those tracts were for 400 and 469 acres. Chesley moved down to these lands and his first appearance in the records is on 19 June 1747 when he witnessed a deed from Peter King, late of Lunenburg, to "James Daniel of Albemarle". This was for 340 acres on the Sta(u)nton River and the deed was proved on 3 October 1749. The other witnesses were Andrew Wade, David Duglis, John (x) Wade. James would later sell this land to James Cocke in 1752. On 12 July of 1750 Chesley, along with Michl. Smith and David Wade, witnessed a deed from Howard and Ruth Cash to Jer. Wade for land on Thrasher's Creek.

Chesley and his younger brother Leonard both moved down to Lunenburg as shown in the Court Order Books: Order Book 5, p.112: September Court 1758 On his motion, Leonard Daniel & Bob, Dover added to tithables list
The next entry reads: On his motion, Chisly Daniel & Jas Goodall, Gloster, Newman added to tithables list
Gloster and Newman were slaves that Chesley would ultimately inherit from his father James in 1761, and I believe Bob and Dover [possibly a misspelling or misreading for David] were part of the division of slaves from James' estate.

Chesley was again a witness, with Edmund and William Taylor, on a deed from Zachariah Baker and his wife Jean to James Cocke for land in Lunenburg on the north side of the Roanoake River on Butchers Creek. This deed was written on 3 April 1759 and proved on 3 July 1759.

Lunenburg Court Order Book 6 p. 24 shows that on 4 Sep 1759 "Chesley Daniel is appointed Surveyor of the road lately cleared by him and it is ordered, that he together with this [sic] own, Leonard Daniel's and John Johnson's Male Laboring Tithables do keep the same in repair according to Law."
Later, at the February Court of 1760, an indenture from James Stephens to Chisley Daniel was recorded (Court Order Book 5-52b, I don't yet have the details of this transaction, but it possibly has to do with the 400 acres Stephens had sold to Chesley's father James; Chesley later sells this 400 acres). Also in this year David Garland, Geo Walton, and Chisley Daniel witnessed a deed, recorded in deed book 6 p. 56 on 6 May 1760, from Richard Coleman of Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg to William Gordon of same of the 2nd part, and Martha Coleman, Martha Vicars, Lucy and Jean Coleman of same for the 3rd part, for natural love and affection, for slaves and household, stock, intednded for the use of Martha Coleman, Martha Vicars, Lucy and Jean Coleman, "provided always that William Gordon may sell any part of the Negroes, household furniture, and stock in order to pay the debts of the said Richard Coleman". This is basically a deed of trust to care for Richard Coleman's daughters.

Chesley's mother Jane (Hicks) Daniel died sometime before October 1760 when his father wrote his will. I believe her last child was born around 1752-53, but that is calculated: my analysis and theory about the birth dates of her children can be read here. When she died, Chesley inherited slaves by entail that had been bequeathed to her in the 1713 will of Richard Hicks. There is more on these slaves and their descendants in 1798.

Father James Daniel did spend time in Lunenburg, but he remained "of Albemarle" when he wrote his will on 30 October 1760. It was proved on 12 February 1761. It says, "I give and bequeath unto my son Chisley Daniel my tract of land in Lunenburg County on Roanoke River as I bought of Walter Campbell to him and his heirs forever. Later it says, "I give and bequeath to my son Chisley Daniel four negroes to-wit: Gloster, Numman, Annica, Alice, which are now delivered to him and his heirs forever." And then, "Lastly, I appoint Chisley Daniel, Abraham Daniel, and Leonard Daniel executors to this my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of October one thousand seven hundred and sixty."
The land referred to is actually the 869 acres James had patented, as Chesley describes when he sells the tracts. There are no deeds from a Campbell to a Daniel, and the only grant to a Walter Campbell was for 265 acres in another part of Lunenburg. He was perhaps simply the previous entrant of the land that James patented.

Chesley married Judith Woodson Christian and their first children were twins, Woodson's listing shows:
Jane & Judith Daniel were born the 12th Nov 1760. Jane died --- Oct. 1814 at Springfield, Granville.

On 12 February 1761 Chisley Daniel, Abraham Daniel, & Leonard Daniel had their father's will proved in the Albemarle court; separate inventories were made and returned for property in both Albemarle and Lunenburg counties.

Another brother of Chesley, Josiah was provided for in the will to buy land from John Robinson. This purchase took place on 6 Jul 1761 as shown in deed book 7 p. 225. "Chasley" Daniel, Sherwood Bugg, and Daniel Johnson were witnesses. It was for 400 acres on the "South Side of Roanoak River on Nutbush Creek". Josiah had just turned 18 at the time.

Later that year, Chesley's brother Leonard died in Lunenburg. Chesley served as his administrator as shown in Lunenburg Will Book 2 p. 48-49, his inventory was in September of 1761 and the return of the sales was on 7 December of 1762 [hard to read]. At the sale Chisley bought 3 Dear Skins, brother Abraham bought "2 fine horses", brother Josiah bought "1 Bed & furniture 6 chairs, 112 lb of Nut port, 1 parsil of hoggs, 1 parcil of apple trees 4 boles, 1 coate 1 table, 1 pr wedges 1pr of lether britches, 2 Old ax's 2 grubing hoes, some coin." During the year of 1762 Chesley also paid out monies to Leonard's creditors.

From Woodson's family listing:
Martha Daniel was born the 24th Feby 1763. Died in Abbeville District So Ca, time of death not known.

Later that year Chesley added to his 869 acres when he patented 200 acres (on 30 August 1763); the land was on the south side of the Roanoke, bounding Jno. Gilliam and Jas. Stephens, as shown in Patent Book 35 p. 391.

However, Chesley and his family were on the move. In February of 1764 he bought the 1250 acres in Granville County NC that originally made up "Tranquility", as shown in Granville Deed Book L, p. 49:

Egbert Haywood, Sarah Haywood his wife, John Hardy and Deborah Hardy his wife, all of Hallifax [NC] to Chisley Daniel of Lunenburg VA, for £500, 1250 acres in Granville, on both sides of Mountain Creek, bounding Phillip Pryor's line, Edward Robert's line. [There is no signature for John Hardy, but yes for the others.] Witnesses: Markham Ware, Wm Branch, Chris Dudley. Written 1 Feb 1764, recorded 18 Oct 1769, followed by the wives' relinquishments.
Bill Seay, a descendant of Chesley's has visited and provided the exact location of Tranquility, northeast of Satterwhite on Highway 96. The original house location and the cemetery are marked below in red and purple respectively. The George Bullock Daniel home (4th generation owner of part of the original Tranquility, see later) is a bit northeast of the highway, I hope to get an exact location to mark some day.

Tranquility was made up of a 640 acre grant to John Haywood, and another 610 acre land to his son Egbert. Among Bill Seay's family papers is also a copy of the original grant for the 640 acres, along with a survey and plat of the acreage. The plat is shown here and I believe, based on the curve of the creek compared to topo maps, that this 640 acres includes the house in the southwest corner area marked "d".

Laid down by a Scale of 200 p. in an Inch
November 10, 1752. Survey'd for Mr John Hayood Junr, 640 Acres of Land according to the above plan lying in Granville County & on both sides of Mountain Creek, begining at a poplar standing on a Branch at the Let'r a, thence runing N 444 pole to a Hickory at b, thence W 230 1/2 pole to a White Oak at c, thence S 444 pole to a Black Oak at d, thence E. to the begin'g.
by Dan. Weldon Sur.
John Knot & James Knot Sw Ch Carr

The other 610 acres is represented by the following deed from Granville Deed Book L, p.46 (N.B. this is the deed recorded just before the one for 1250 acres to Chesley):
John Earl of Granville to Egbert Haywood of Edgcomb [sic] planter 28 Oct 1758, 10sh and the Rent Covenants, 610a in parish of Saint John in Granville on the head of Mountain Creek, beginning at Haywood's corner a Poplar on a branch, thence runs by his line N 444p to his corner a Hicory, thence S 15E 276p to a White Oak, thence S 340p to a Black Jack, then W 424p to a Black Jack in Phillip Pryor's oline, thence by his line N 222p to a White Oak in Edwd Roberts' line, thence by his line E 124p to a White Oak, thence by Haywood's line S 62p to his corner a Black Oak, thence by his other line East crossing said Creek to the beginning. Yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year unto the said John Earl Granville his heir or assigns the yearly rent of 24sh and 5 pence which is at the rate of 3sh for every 100a. Granvill by Fran's Corbin, Josh'a Bodley. ackn 28 Oct 1758 .
The only unusual thing about the sale to Chesley is that it combines inherited property from two heirs with land belonging to Egbert alone. But the various grants and final deed are all a perfect match as shown in the plat below of the original 1250 acres that made up Tranquility Plantation in 1764:

Chesley and his wife "Judith Woodson Daniel" sold their Lunenburg property later that year after buying Tranquility:

Lunenburg DB 8 p. 278 Chesley and Judith Woodson Daniel of Lunenburgh to Jacob Michaux of Cumberland, written 25 February 1764, recorded 9 August 1764, for £1300, land in Lunenburgh on Roanoke River and its Branches, 1069 Acres, 469 acres parcel thereof being granted to James Daniel Deceased father of the sd Chesley his life time by patent Bearing date at Williamsburgh 3 Nov 1750 and is Bounded as by the said letter patent more fully may appear and 400a other parcel thereof being granted to James Stephens by letters pattent bearing date at Williamsburgh 15 Dec 1757 the said James Daniel Decd in his life time Purchased of the sd James Stephens and is Bounded as by the said last Mentioned Leters [sic] patent may appear and 200a Residue of the said 1069a beig [sic] granted to the said Chesley Daniel by letters Patent bearing date at Williamsburgh 30 Aug 1763 and is bounded as by that patent more fully may appear and al [sic] houses buildings gardens ... [a really long binding and warranting of rights, super long]. witnesses Thos Bressie, Josiah Daniel, Benjamin Pulliam. Signed Chesley Daniel, Judith Woodson Daniel. Chesley acknowledged in court 9 August 1764

That Chesley and Judith had finally moved down to Granville county is shown in the Lunenburg court order books on 9 August 1764, p. 129: "John Johnson is appointed Surveyor of the Road in the room of Chesley Daniel from Kings road to the Country [sic] line and it is Ordered that he have the hands of Josiah Daniel, James Kidd, Miles Johnson, Joseph Michaux, John Stephens & Thomas Stephens to work on the said Road and keep it in repair according to Law."
Later in the year of 1764, Judith had to relinquish her dower rights in the Lunenburg land:

Lunenburg Deed Book 10 p. 26 dower release recorded 8 Nov 1764, order 9 Aug 1764 to Edmund Taylor, Robert Hanford? & John Camp; Chesly and Judith Woodson of Lunenburg to Jacob Michaux, had sold land on 6 Feb 1764, 1069a fee simple..."and whereas the said Judith Cannot Conveniently Travel to our County court of Lunenburgh to make acknowledgement of the said Conveyance therefore we do give unto you or any two of you ful [sic] Power to receive the acknowledgment which the said Judith shall be willing to make before you of the Conveyance aforesaid contained in the said Indenture which is hereunto annexed and we do therefore command you that you Personally go to the said Judith & receive her acknowledgment of the same and examine her privily & apart from the said Chesley her Husband whether she doth the same freely and voluntarily withouth the" ...threat...[more than usual about her freely relinquishing].... On 6 September 1764 Edmund Taylor and John Camp wrote and certified that she relinquished.
Granville Deed Book G p. 256 shows that "Chislup" Daniel [sic in abstract] was a witness on 15 August 1764, for Richard Roberts' deed to James Walker, both of Granv, for land on the branches of Grassey Creek, Mountain Branch, in Isham Malone's line.

And Chesley still had some dealings up in Lunenburg for a while:
He was still clearing up his brother Leonard's estate in 1764. There is a file dated 1764 for Leonard Daniel in the Granville loose estate papers with a note from Chesley Daniel Adm--r of Leonard Daniel, showing that Joel Walker is indebted to Leonard. [I don't show a date for the note.]
Chesley was a creditor of Samuel Jones, who mortgaged property in late 1764 in order to secure a loan as shown in Halifax County Deed Book 5 p. 405: 3 December 1764 - Saml. Jones of Halifax to Joseph Pulliam of same, £532.10, (for sd Jones by sd Pulliam engaged to pay to several persons hereafternamed) the following slaves &c; Dick, Gambo, Cesar, Cupit, Bridget, Mical, Sal, Nel and Eady & their increase, also 4 hd cattle, 2 white horses & 1 gray mare, all hogs, 3 feather beds & furniture, 1 desk, & all other estate, ...the condition of sd deed, sd Joseph Pulliam stands bound as Security for sd Jones to Chesley Daniel for £350, to be pd by 5 December 1767, to Thomas Robinson for £182.10, to be pd by 25 December 1764...if sd Jones discharge sd several sums & keep sd Pulliam harmless, above deed to be void...otherwise to stand in full force. Signed Saml. Jones. Wit Garland Terry, John Pulliam, William Wier. Recorded 20 June 1765

From Woodson's family listings:
James Daniel was born the 16th Jany 1765. Died in Mecklinburg Va 8th Sepr 1841.
James' first entry on the tax lists is in 1786 as it should be.

Chesley was named as a bound in a deed from Richard and Mary Briggs of Granville to Egbert Haywood of Halifax, executed on 2 Aug 1766. The deed was for 80 acres, part of the tract of land the Richard and Mary formerly lived upon which was now conveyed to Maj. Phillip Pryor, lying in Granville and bound on the South side by his road as it now runs, on the East side by Thomas Person's line on the North side, Chisley Daniel's on the West, Phillip Pryor's line, which land the said Briggs obtained by a deed or grant from the honourable Erle of Granville Esqr, and agen[t]. bearing date 9 Mar 1761. The deed was witnessed by Chisley Daniel, David Knott, and Joseph Miller, and Chisley proved at August 1766 court. (Granville DBH-127). This description is in line as far as bound names with previous land deeds.

From Woodson's family list:
Mary Daniel was born the 22nd Feby 1767. Died near Henderson in Kentucky.

Chesley was involved with the founding of the Presbyterian Church in his area of Granville as shown by this deed; the grantees in this type of deed were usually the trustees or wardens of the church involved.

James Pettegrew Senr of Granville Co. NC to Howell Lewis, Joseph Lindsey, Robert Lewis, Chisley Daniel, and John Oliver of same, 7 Jul 1767 for and on behalf of the Presbyterian Congregation on and about the waters of Grassey Creek in the said county, "for and in consideration of the ardent desire he has to promote the Worship of God in the said congregation", one certain plat or parcel of land containing one acres more or less, Beginning at a Red Oak, thence East to a corner Hicory, thene South to a corner Post Oak, thence West to a Hickory, thence North to the beginning. Jas Pettegrew. wit Ben Wade, Samuel Smith, George Brasfield. recd Aug 1767. proved by Ben Wade. Test Sml Benton CC, Registered Saml Benton PR. (Granville Deed H335)
The Presbyterian Church referred to in deed H335 could be the one described in these excerpts from William Henry Foote about the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina (1846). Also note the names here and in deed H335 above.
p. 180-181
Colonel James Smith, of Tennessee, an emigrant from North Carolina, and son of Colonel Samuel Smith, one of the founders of Grassy Creek church, in Granville county, in a letter to Dr. Alexander Wilson, of Caldwell Institute, says, "some time between 1755 and 1760, Samuel Bell, with his brothers and son-in-law, Donnell, removed from Pennsylvania, and settled in the forks of Hico.

p. 218-219
In the year 1780, Mr. Pattillo became the pastor of Nutbush and Grassy Creek, in Granville county, and gave to them his last labors, ripened by age and experience. These two congregations were composed at first of emigrants from Hanover, New Kent, and King and Queen, in Virginia, converts under the preaching of Rev. Samuel Davies and his coadjutors. Howel Lewis, Daniel Grant, and Samuel Smith, were the leading persons in Grassy Creek. Mr. Lindsey, Mr. Simms and Mrs. Gilliam, the leading ones in Nutbush.
It is the tradition that the first sacramental occasion held by Presbyterians in Granville was in 1763, by William Tennant, Jun. By order of the Synod of New York and Philadelphia the Presbytery of New Brunswick ordained him for a southern mission in 1762. His reasons for not going that year were sustained. He made a visit the next year, 1763, in obedience to the direction of Synod--"to go and supply in the bounds, and under the direction of Hanover Presbytery six months at least." The place in which the ordinance was administered was an unoccupied house belonging to Howel Lewis, about one mile and a half from where Grassy Creek Church now stands. The congregations were, it is said, regularly organized by Mr. James Criswell, who was licensed by Hanover Presbytery in 1765, and supplied these congregations for some years. Mr. Pattillo was his successor.

The 1767 tax records are the first available that show Chesley in Granville:
1767 Chisley Daniel, John Daniel, James Nowel, Negroes Gloucester, Newman, Will, Jacob, Sampson, Men, Annaky, Alice, Sylvia, Rachel, 3 whites, 9 blacks, 12 total, (no acreage listed)
[Gloucester, Newman, Annaky, and Alice were bequeathed to Chesley by his father James Daniel in his will in 1760 in Albemarle and went with him to Lunenburg before going to Granville.]
I will generally only be including the Tranquility folks' tax data on this page, much more information about location, neighbors, other branches of the family, and other Daniel families of Granville can be gleaned from
Daniel Entries in the Tax Lists of Granville County, North Carolina.

Chesley still had Lunenburg dealings even as late as 1768; the Lunenburg Deed Book 11 p. 274 shows: John Jenings of Lunenburg to Rev'd James Craig of Lunenburg and Cumberland Parish 27 Jun 1768, £55, have sold Craig one Negro Girl named Nan. witnesses Chesley Daniel, George Tarry, Robert Moore. recd 18 Jun 1769

Chesley also witnessed another transaction for James Pettigrew in 1768: Granville Deed Book H p. 463, James Pettigrew and wf Mary of Granville to James Johnston of Cumberland VA, 16 Jul 1768, £220, 369a in Granville on both sides of the lower fork of Grassy Creek bd John Johnston's corner, John Johnston's new line...Robert Downey's line. wit Chisley Daniel, John Witherspoon, Ebenezer Pettigrew. Proved Nov 1768 by Chisley Daniel. Test Sam' Benton CC.

Tax Records:
1769 Chesley Daniel 2 whites, 9 blacks, 0 carriage wheels

From Woodson's listing:
Susan Daniel was born the 14th July 1769. Died in Petersburg Ga.

That same month the Granville County Court Minutes v.4 show: 21 Jul 1769 "Ordered that the hands of Chesley Daniel, Joseph Roberts, Richard Roberts, David Knot, William Frasher, John Johnston, Roon Rad (sic), Missive Smith work on the Rode from the fork below Phil'p Taylors to the fork below the Meeting House, John Knot Overseer." Full entry [what Owens the author wrote for various entries when not an abstract.]

Tax Records:
1771 Chesley Daniel 13 taxables, 0 carriage wheels

1771 also saw the birth of son John, according to Woodson's listing:
John Daniel was born the 30th June 1771. Died in Mecklenburg Va the 23d June 1848.
Based on the later tax lists, I had believed that John was probably born in 1781-82 (he first shows up on the 1803 list). However, his later census definitely allow for him being born before 1780. John's wife Susan M. Watkins was born in 1786-87 and his first child Ann was not born until 1814 (although it's not impossible she was by an earlier wife as there is a 6+ year gap before the next child).

James Daniel, Chesley Daniel, and Joseph Roberts were witnesses when Benjamin Harrison executed his will in Granville on 7 January 1773. It was probated at May court of 177- [sic, as found in Granvile Will Book 1 p. 36-37]. I believe this is one of the earliest appearances (the first being in the 1771 tax lists) of my James Daniel (1747-1820) in the Granville records; the record evidence and now a perfect dna match to this line confirm that my James Daniel is the brother of Chesley and son of James of Albemarle.

From Woodson's listing:
Betsey Daniel was born the 11th Septr 1773. Died near Henderson Ky.

Chesley's brother Josiah also moved to Granville and purchased land: Deed Book K p. 240 James Downey of Granv to Josiah Daniel of Albemarle VA, 7 February 1775, £300, 520a in Granville, on both sides of Grassey Creek, bd Thomas Willingham, Grassey Creek, mouth of the Hay Meadow Branch, cross Creek and up the said Branch. The witnesses were Chisley Daniel, James Daniel. The deed was recorded February 1775 and acknowledged by James Downey.

Chesley apparently needed to clear up some title concerns in his land as shown by the following 1775 deed in Book M p. 103 :

Thos Person to Chisley Daniel, 13 May 1775, land on branches of Grassey Creek on the west side of Belues? mountain it being land in dispute between Egbert Haywood & myself as both our Deeds cover'd the same...50a, branches of Grassey Ck on W side of Belue's Mountain...beg at Roberts' corner in Daniel's line...line of trees run by Daniel Walker & Lewis.
In his listing Woodson noted his own birth as:
Woodson Daniel was born 19th Mar 1776.

Thomas Person sold 550a to Richard Bennit on 4 May 1778, described as land purchased of Thos Farryth & William Whorton & others, bounding Daniel's corner, Robert's line, Withersons line, Kennons line, Daniels line. Peter Bennett was the witness, the deed being recorded in May ?1778? (DB L-289). Peter Bennett would come to own this land and sold 275a of it to Chisley Daniel in 1791.
Also in 1778 "Chisley" was a witness to the following deed:
Book L p. 331 Evan Ragland to Benjamin Ragland, both of Granville, 4 Aug ust 1778, £50, 320a N side Flat Ck...on N side of sd Ck near the Old Court House Road.... witnesses Brumfield Ridley, Chisley Daniel. Proved August 1778

Also in 1778 Chesley took the oath of allegiance to our newly formed country, listed in the Goshen District. The listings contain other Daniels and many familiar names and are found on p. 177 in The State Records - Published Under The Supervision of the trustees of the public libraries, by order of the general Assembly. - Collected and Edited By Walter Clark - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, Vol. XXII. - Miscellaneous Records - Published-1907. The typical oath read as follows:

I will bear faithfull and true Allegiance to the State of North Carolina and will truly endeavor to support, maintain, and defend the independent Government thereof against George the third, King of Great Britain and his successors, and the attempts of any other Person, Prince, power, state or Potentate, who by secret arts, treasons, Conspiracies or by open force shall attempt to subvert the same and will in every respect conduct myself as a peaceful orderly subject and that I will disclose and make known to the governor, some member of the Council of State, some Justices of the Superior Courts or of the Peace, all treasons, Conspiracies and attempts committed or intended against the State [~that?] shall come to my knowledge.

Woodson's listing shows that twins were born:
Beverly Daniel was born 12th Oct. 1778. Died in Raleigh 13th September 1840.
Chisley Daniel was born the 1778. Died --- of --- at Tranquility.

Some neighbors of Chesley who entered land in Granville during the next couple of years were:
#250 29 Oct 1778 John Knott 640a adj his own lands and lands of Cade, Parker, Person, Daniel, & James Knott on the waters of Grassy Creek. [Some of this may be land that will come into the hands of Daniel family members as part of a business venture later.]
#410 John Duncan 200a on waters of Grassey Creek adjoining the lines of Thomas Person Esqr & Chesley Daniel for Complement. The "Date box" [my term] says "Claim entered by Thos Person 31 Dec 1778".
#524 Thomas Person 400[?]a adjoining the lands of John Knott, Chisley Daniel & his own lines. 12 Aug 1779

Returning to the tax lists:

1780 Chesley Daniel in Goshen District list
1782 Chisley Daniel in Goshen District: 1250 acres, 13 negros under 7 or from 50-60, 12 from 7 to 16 or 40 to 50, 7 from 6 to 40, 9 horse/mule, 34 cattle, total value=1994

In early 1779 a young man named John Daniel died, his will was written 15 Dec 1778 and proved in May of 1779. He left a wife, Celia and son Martin. He named his brother William Daniel as executor. William had died by 7 May 1782 at which time the widow "Selah" Daniel was named executrix by the court. The securities on her bond were Gideon Crenshaw and Chisley Daniel [that's his signature above]. The estate papers for John are extensive and very interesting. Among the many vouchers is a sheet, small, clean torn, with scratch figuring and some signatures on it, in very large writing: several Leonard Daniel, Thomas D[cut off], Josiah Daniel and the first one is Chisholm [last name cut off]. I now think these could just be practice writing by the clerk, but it's very interesting. Monies were paid out to Leonard Daniel, and at the estate sale (the account was not returned until May court 1789) Josiah Daniel bought 1 flax wheel and Chesley Daniel bought 1 Womans saddle & housing. Many of the papers were copied and certified in 1797 to be used in a suit by John's son Martin against one of his former guardians; those papers are now in the Hillsborough District Court files for John Daniel's estate. [I have a working theory of how John Daniel d. 1779 relates to Chesley Daniel, but that's for another page!]

Tax Lists:
1785 Chisley Daniel 1250 acres, 1 free poll, 14 slaves, 2 wheels

On 5 March 1785 Richard Bennet executed his will, witnessed by Chesley Daniel and Nancy Blackwell. It was proved at February Court 1786. The executor and one his sons was Peter Bennet, who was an early guardian to the Martin Daniel mentioned earlier, son of John and Celia.

Tax Lists:
1786 Chesley Daniel 1250 acres, 2 free polls, 16 slaves [The second free poll helps date the birth of son James as 1764/5.]

Besides the tax lists, a state census was taken for 1786. Listed among the "Number of Inhabitants in Goshen District 1786" on p.1 is Chesley Daniel with:
2 white males aged 21-60 [this would be Chesley 55, son James about 23?]
3 white males under 21 or over 60 [sons Beverley about 11-12, Woodson 10, John G. about 4-7]
5 white females of all ages [wife Judith, probable daughters Judith Christian, Jane, Susannah, Mary, but I don't have them well-documented]
16 Blacks aged 12-50
30 Blacks under 12 or over 50

At the August 1786 court, Chesley served as the foreman of the Grand Jury, with other jurors James Lewis, Gideon Gooch, William Knight, Samuel Peace, Phillip Yancey, Jonathan Knight, Wm. Philpott, Wm. Cox Jr., Wm. Ogelvie, Phillip Bradford, Harris Gilliam, David Bradford, Ezekiel Fuller, Cornelius Cooper, and Jonathan Kittrell.

Tax Lists:
1787 Chesley Daniel 1250 acres
At Granville court on Wednesday, 8 August 1787 Jas. M. Burton sued David Mason; the jurors for the case were Wm. Lassiter, Wm. Cawthorn, Michael Sherman, James Jenkins, Chesley Daniel, Jno. Morris, Saml. Harris, Lewis Bennett, James Bradford, Reuben Talley, and Thomas Rice.
Two days later, on Friday, 10 August 1787 the court ordered John Pumphrey, Josiah Daniel, and Chesley Daniel to divide the estate of Charles Lemay, deceased, between Thomas, deceased and Samuel Lemay.

Tax Lists:
1788 Chesley Daniel 1250 acres
1789 Chessley Daniel, says "not given in"
1790 Chesley Daniel 1250 acres
[This is the tax list used to create the 1790 census for Granville.]
1791 Chesley Daniel 1525 acres
1791 [a different list] Chesley Daniel in Goshen District 1525 acres, 0 whites, 1 black [Chesley had turned 60 so he was no longer taxed.]
This rise in acreage reflects the land Chesley bought from Peter Bennett on 7 February 1791 (Deed Book N p. 46). He paid £111 for 275, part of a tract formerly belonging to Thomas Person, on both sides a branch the waters of Grassey Creek, bd Wm Daniel's line, Hester's line formerly Roberts, Wilkinson's line, ?Mark's line. The witnesses to this deed were Mary Daniel and Jane Daniel. I believe these to be daughters of Chesley and Judith; Mary would marry the following year and Jane never married.

Tax Lists:
1792 Chesley Daniel in Goshen District, 1525 acres, 0 white polls, 17 black.
1793 Chesley Daniel in Goshen District, 1525 acres, 0 white polls, 18 black.

In 1794 [February or May, my notes are faulty on this] Chesley Daniel, Josiah Daniel, John Oliver appraised the estate of Charles Edwards, deceased, and turned it in to court. I believe Charles might be their brother-in-law, husband to their sister Mary; Chesley will later be deeding slaves to his Edwards nephews. However, there are multiple Charles Edwards coming along, and another William Edwards with a wife Mary/Polly. However, the nephews named in the later deed probably belong to the Charles Edwards who had married a second time to a "Letty". It's still a bit messy here, what?
Chesley had witnessed the will of James Johnson along with Baxter Davis and Samuel Johnson. In November of 1795 he appeared at court to prove the will and a codicil.

1796 - Chesley Daniel taxed in Goshen District 1525a 0 Free polls, 20 Slaves, no Stud Horses, no Town Lotts
1797 - Chesley Daniel in Goshen District 1525 0 Free polls, 18 Slaves, 0 Town Lotts, 0 Stud Horses [this list also requested "B. Tables" for Billiard Tables, Chesley had none....]

Chesley's grandson Nathaniel Chesley Daniel was born on 29 July 1797 to James Daniel and Ann Venable. James and Ann were married 18 November 1796 in Prince Edward VA and lived there before going to Mecklenburg VA. Nathaniel C. Daniel and his brother James B. Daniel came to own Tranquility.

Chesley sold 120 acres, cut from his original 1250 acres, to his nephew Thomas Daniel (son of Josiah) on 5 August 1797. The witnesses to the deed were Leonard Edwards, Susanna Daniel, and Jas Edwards. This deed is recorded in Book Q p. 132. From now on in the tax lists a Thomas Daniel will be shown, usually near Chesley, with his 120 acres.

On 15 Feb 1798 Chesley Daniel gave his nephews James and Leonard Edwards some slaves, descendants of slaves he had inherited from his mother Jane (Hicks) Daniel. (Granville Deed Book Q392)

Whereas Richard Hicks having by his last Will and Testament bearing Date the 24 day of April AD 1713 bequeathed certain Negros therein Named & their Increases to Jane Hicks & the heirs of her body which Said Negroes according to the above mentioned Intail having Descended to me Chisley Daniel of the County of Granville & State of North Carolina as Heir of Jane Hicks & the following Negroes, Hannah, Sam, Charlie, Patience, (Harry, Annekey, & her two Children & their Increase being part of the ["above" here but scratched out] Increase of the above Mentioned Negroes) being now in the possession of my two Nephews James Edwards, & Leonard Edwards now this Writing Witnesseth that I the sd Chisley for & in consideration of the affection I have to my Nephews aforesaid James & Leonard & the Sum of five Shillings have Released to them the sd James & Leonard their heirs and assigns forever all my Right Title & Interest, in & to the sd Negroes & I bind my Self my heirs &c to make any other Conveyance at the [cort, not quite cost] of the sd James & Leonard which they may deem Necessary for Vesting all my Right & Title in & to the sd Negroes in the sd James & Leonard In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & I affixed my Seal this 15th day of February AD 1798. Chisley Daniel. wit Jane Daniel, Josiah Daniel, John [x] Boyd. proved by John Boyd, Feb Court 1801.
It is not as clear in transcription form, but when reading the original, it seems to me that Hannah, Sam, Charlie, and Patience were the slaves Chesley inherited, and that Harry, Annekey and her two children are the descendant slaves that Chesley is giving to his nephews.
This is the document that proves Chesley's descent from Jane Hicks, is further proof of his Middlesex VA origin, and it gives a hint that Jane's father may have been a Richard Hicks. Many old write-ups place Chesley and his siblings as children of an Elizabeth Woodson and thus of a different Daniel family: it was a faulty leap, an "assignment" based probably on Judith's middle name of Woodson. The Woodson name is not really a good marker for relationships; the family was such a big player in its time that everybody gave the name to children, related or not. The Woodson assignment has unfortunately become written in stone and turned to "fact" over time, but it's time for that assignment to fade away.

Tax Lists:
1798 Chesley Daniel in Goshen District 1405a 0 F Polls, 16 Slaves, 0 Town Lotts, 0 Stud Horses, [acreage reflects 1250a +275a-120a]
1799 in Goshen District Chesley Daniel 1405a 0 Free Polls, 12 Slaves, 0 Town Lotts, 0 Studs
1800 in Goshen District: Capt Chesley Daniel 1405a 0 Free Polls,10 Slaves, 0 Town Lotts, 0 Stud Horses

The 1800 Census Schedule of Granville p. 508 shows Chesley Daniel with:
1 male over 45 [Chesley age 69]
1 female over 45 [Judith Woodson Daniel]
1 female 26-45 [this is probably daughter Jane]
1 female under 10 [??]
There are 22 slaves in this listing.
Chesley's sons are not listed in North Carolina and do not seem to appear on tax lists used to create the 1800 census of Virginia. However, I do think they are probably in Virginia as they shortly have a business there.

Chesley was there when Martin, son of John Daniel who died in 1779, came of age and moved to Mecklenburg VA. Martin sold the 200 acres left him to Samuel Bugg as shown in Deed Book V p. 221: Martin Daniel of Mecklenburg VA to Samuel Bugg Junr of Granville NC, £300, 200a Granville beginning at a hickory Daniel's thence south 20 poles to a red oak, thence East to John Olivers line, thence along the said Olivers line to a corner on the Creek, thence west along the said Olivers line to a corner oak, thence south to a corner hickory in Daniels line, thence along the said Daniels line to the beginning, written 19 November 1800, witnesses: Chesley Daniel, John Oliver, proved August 1811.

The tax lists continue:
1801 Chesley Daniel in Goshen District 1405a 0 Free Poles, 9 Black Polls, 0 Town Lotts, 0 Stud Horses
1802 Chesley Daniel in Goshen District 1405a, 0 F. Polls, 9 Slaves, 0 Town Lotts, 0 Stud Horses
1803 Chesley Daniel in Goshen District 1405a, 1 Free poles, 10 Slaves, 0 Town Lotts, 0 Stud Horses
This is the first appearance of a new poll, I believe it is son John G. Daniel. It now appears more likely he was up in Virgnia with his brothers, and this tax list appearance represents a return to Granville, not a coming-of-age listing.
Also, for the first time one of the sons, Woodson, shows up independently in the tax lists in Abrams Plains District (=northwest of Stovall) with 0a 2 Free poles, 0 Slaves, 0 Town Lotts, 0 Stud Horses. [That's Woodson's signature above, in 1812] The other is likely one of his brothers. The mystery is where they have been, these sons are born in the 1760s and 1770s and they should have been named or at least show up as polls in the lists long before now. They were possibly up in Mecklenburg, as they had a business up there. For sure son James was there: his sons, Nathaniel C. and James B. (future owners of Tranquility lands) were born in VA in 1797 and 1805. Son John G.'s children were also born in VA, but much later.

Chesley's sons had gone into business by 1803, involved with the Knott brothers of the area:
Granville Deed Bk R p.202 Thomas Knott deed to James, John, Woodson, and Beverly Daniel, operating under the name of James Daniel and Brothers, for land part of which was granted by the State in March 1780 and the remainder deeded by James Knott to my father, John Knott, Feb 10, 1764; this does not include that part of the land devised to my brother John Knott, by my father, 30 Jun 1803.

On 31 December 1803 Chesley Daniel made an entry for 226 acres of land, the grant would be final in 1805 (shown there).

1804 Taxes
Chesley Daniel in Goshen District 1405a, 1 Free Poll, 10 Slaves [nothing in columns for T. Lotts, St. Ho's, M?? (it's not the mils of tax monies, probably for Machinery), Saws?, Tax?, Stores]
[next entry] James Daniel & Brothers 900a, 3 Free Polls, 4 Slaves
These two entries could account for all four sons of Chesley and Judith, but it's also possible that any of the 3 free polls in the business listing are non-Daniel clerks for the business, there were two branches of the store, here and in Clarksville VA.

Chesley got his patent for the 226 acres early in 1805 and it will register on this year's tax list as well:

Deed Book S148 --State to Chesley Daniel #1226 19 Feb 1805, 226a Granville on waters of Mountain Creek and takes part of Belows Mountain [probably related to Blue Creek area where Chesley lived], beginning at a white Oak said Daniels Corner, running then by his line North fifteen degrees West fourteen pole to a white Oak, Person's Corner, then by his line East one hundred and seventy one pole to a stake James Daniels & Brothers Corner, then by their line South fifty one pole to a post oak their Corner, then by their line West seventy three pole to a Red oak their corner then by their line South two hundred & twenty pole to a white oak their corner then by their line west forty two pole to a red oak their corner then by their line South one hundred and four pole to a black Jack Person's Corner, then by his line West fifty seven pole to a red Oak said Chesley Daniels Corner then by his line north to the begining. No. ??[two deltas] Entered the 31st day of Decr 1803.
Chesley's sons are active elsewhere this year. Woodson Daniel, Wm. M. Sneed, and Richard Cooke, Esq. were appointed at August court of 1804 to view and inspect the Poll for the "present election". At the same court, when Polly Edwards, the widow and relict of William Edwards, relinquished her right to administer estate, Beverly Daniels [sic] was granted administration, with his bond secured by Robert Downey and John Lemay. This is the other possibility I saw for Chesley's sister Mary, so this would be her nephew Beverly stepping in to administer the estate. However there is stronger evidence that sister Mary's husband was a Charles Edwards, so this is all risky speculation still.

I want to keep this page focused on Tranquility. Chesley's sons, Woodson, Beverly, and John eventually deed their interests in it to the sons of their brother James. So I am not going to put all their other activities shown in the court and land records that do not have to do with Tranquility. I will note them in the census and tax records, and will describe when they leave the area, etc. Here are a few cites from Granville Deed Books in the 1805-1810 range that still need to be checked for Tranquility involvement, some involve slaves that may have worked there (not so much for the mortgage deeds, but I'm including them just in case a mortgage wasn't paid off and the slaves became property of the Daniel brothers).
S95 Key, James to James Daniel & Brothers, merchants. "...the following Negroes, to wit, Tenor, Lucy, Jinncy, & Sam..." (Mortgage-1805, p. 95, book S)
S274 Peyton Wood to James Daniel & Bros, 7 Oct 1805, Peyton in debt, mortgs to them 3 Negroe slaves Mary, Annica & Ritter [later Riller]. wit David Knott Jr, William Gooch, pr Aug 1806
T54 John Boyd to Josiah Daniel
T90 Daniel & Brothers to Gideon Crews
T323 L. Cooksey to Jas Daniel & Bros
T379 P. Wood to Daniel & Bros
T423 Jos Lyon to Daniel & Bros
V277 Wood, Peyton Senr. to John Craig [of Orange County], to secure a debt to James Daniel & brothers..." three Negro girls by the names of Mary, Annice & Ritter..." (BOS-1808, p. 277, book V)

Tax lists:
1805 Chesley Daniel in Goshen District 1631a, 0 Free Polls, 8 Slaves [=1405a + the 226a grant to Chesley in Feb 1805]
next entry James Daniel & Brothers 900a 2 Free Polls, 6 Slaves
1806 Chesley Daniel Senr in Goshen District 1631a, 0 Free Polls, 8 Slaves [also no "Stores, Tannery, Billiard Table, Machinery, or Saws"]
a bit later is James Daniel & Brothers 900a 3 Free Polls, 5 Slaves
1807 Chesley Daniel Sen in Goshen District 1631a, 0 Free Polls, 7 Slaves
next James Daniel and Brothers 1179a 2Free Polls, 5 Slaves, 1 Tannery, 1 Store
1808 Chesly Daniell in Goshen District 1631a, 0 Free Polls, 5 Slaves
close by is Woodson Daniel & B. 1179a 3 Free Polls, 5 Slave, 0 Stud Horses, 1 Store

In 1808 Beverly Daniel was appointed Marshall for the Eastern District of North Carolina, a post he would fill until 1840, longer than any one else in history (as of at least 1955 when the second longest serving marshall ended his service). His name stays on the Granville tax lists for quite a while, but he actually lived much of the time in Raleigh according to the census.
1809 Chesly Daniel Senr in Goshen District 1631a, 0 Free Polls, 6 Slaves
next is W. & Beverly Daniel 1179a 2 Free Polls, 5 Slaves, 1 Store
The 1810 tax lists are too faint to read.

The 1810 Census Schedules p. 882 shows Chesley Daniel in Granville with:
1 male over 45 [Chesley age 79]
1 male 16-26
2 females over 45 [Judith, and daughter Jane?]
There are 21 slaves.
The next household shows:
Woodson Daniel with
1 male 26-45
1 male 16-26
1 male 10-16
0 females
There are 12 slaves.
These males are hard to identify, they are too young to be brothers of Woodson. Woodson Daniel married Elizabeth T. Mitchell in 1818, but that doesn't answer for these boys. He eventually moves to Perry County Alabama, marries there (children born in the 1820s), but did he have an even earlier first wife and family in Granville or are these perhaps some unidentified nephews?
Chesley's son James Daniel has interests in Mecklenburg VA as he is on the tax lists there with the notation of (Granville), dated 12 March 1810, showing no white tithables, 3 slaves and no horses. He will shortly move there.

At November court of 1810 Josiah Daniel, William Lumpkin, and Chesley Daniel proved a deed from Jesse Edwards to Samuel W. Vanable for 900 acres in Halifax County, Virginia. Jesse is probably another Edwards nephew of Chesley's, son of Charles Edwards and Mary Daniel, who I believe is Chesley's sister.

Chesley's brother Josiah Daniel (b. 1744) wrote his will on 23 April 1811. He named his nephew Woodson (Chesley's son) as one of the executors. Chesley Daniel and David Knott Jr. were the witnesses. It is possible that this witness Chesley was Josiah's son, but less likely - for now in the tax and census records and in the estate papers for Josiah, his son is always referred to, appropriately, as Chesley Jr.  Josiah Daniel died 18 days later, on the 11th of May. Both Chesley Daniel and David Knott proved the will at August Court of 1811. The estate papers show Woodson busy handling the affairs of the estate at least through 1820. They will not be detailed here as they don't deal with Tranquility.

The 1811 tax lists for Goshen District show Capt. Chisley Daniel with 1631 acres, 0 free polls and 5 black polls. The next listing is for Woodson & Beverly Daniel with 1179 acres, 2 free polls, 7 black polls, 0 Town Lotts, 1 Store, 1 Tannery.

This deed may signal the exit of James from the area:
Court of 4 November 1811 - James Edwards and wife Prudence deed to James Daniel 345 acres in Mecklenburg County, Virginia. [James was "of Mecklenburg" in a deed involving Tranquility land in 1825.]

Tax lists:
1812 Goshen District - Chisley Daniel 16?32? acres, 0 free polls, 4 black.
Next is Woodson & ???? Daniel 1179 acres 1 free poll, 11 black, if "store" is marked it's really faint. I can't make out the second name, can't see Beverly, J---, Bros, or anything, but there's something.
1813 Goshen District: The entry for Chesley may be what I read as next Hensa-ry Daniel [can't really make it Henry] with no land 1 free poll, 0 black. The next entry is for Woodson & Bevly [sic] Daniel 2810 acres, 1 free poll, 10 black, no store marked. That acreage reflects Chesley's 1631 + the brothers' 1179. Over in the Nutbush District is a new listing - James Daniel 634.5 acres, 1 free poll, 27 black.

This is Chesley and Judith's son James, who mainly resided in Virginia. This James will later be taxed as owner of the acreage of Tranquility, but he moves back and forth between and maintain interests in Mecklenburg VA and Granville NC. His son Nathaniel Chesley enters civic records on 6 Jul 1813 when he witnesses deed recorded in Mecklenburg; he was only he was a few weeks shy of his sixteenth birthday, thus eligible to witness but he wouldn't be able to prove the transaction until he came of age:
DB15-184 Edmund H. Vaughan and wf Salley of Mecklenburg to James Daniel of Granville NC 6 Jul 1813, £285, 230a, "if there should be less then the above quantity there is nothing to be deducted from the price and if there should be more nothing is to be added", land in Mecklenburg Roanoke river [sic, no "on"], bd sd James Daniel, the River, Fields line, Maynards ferry road, Major William Taylors line, Feilds line untill it crosses Maynards ferry road, along E sd of sd road to a Branch at the beg of the Low grounds, across the road, the road, sycamore tree just below the ferry, as the river meanders. Edmund H. Vaughan, Sally H. Vaughan. wit Charles L. Wingfeild as to Edmund H. Vaughan, Nathaniel C. Daniel, John Crews. A commission was ordered 14 Aug 1813 to get Sally's relinquishment [apparently still in Mecklenburg], she relinquished on 14 Aug 1813. This was all recorded 16 Aug 1813.

In 1814 James moved 33 slaves from Granville to Mecklenburg, any number of whom may have been his by way of his parents, there are a couple of namesakes in the list from earlier slaves of Chesley and Judiths. Chesley will be distributing property to the other brothers shortly, so these may have been James' share of Chesley's estate. Also since it is James and his children who will ultimately own and live at Tranquility, many of these slaves will end up in their possession.

Mecklenburg DB15-244 Certificate for importation of slaves, James Daniel recd 21 Feb 1814 [Where there are ditto marks or "do" I am repeating those words in brackets, except that all have ditto marks for "years old"]
A list of Negroes removed by James Daniel from Granville County North Carolina into Meccklenburg Virginia:
Dick 33 years old low, stout made and very black
Ned about 25 " tall spare [made and very black]
Ned 23 " middle stature spare [very black]
Mark 20 " middling tall stout and not very black
Newman 18 " middle stature stout very [black]
Charles 18 " large as Common to his age not very black
Edmund 17 [large as Common to his age] little yellowish
Tom 16 " [large as Common to his age little yellowish]
Jordan 16 " [[large as Common to his age] very black
George 16 " [large as Common to his age] little yellowish
Theodore 14 [large as Common to his age little yellowish]
Frank 13 [large as Common to his age] Yellow
Jim 10 [large as Common to his age Yellow]
Henry 4 [large as Common to his age] black
Granderson 2 [large as Common to his age] not very black
June 37 years old above common height Yellowish complexion
Jinney about 34 " Common size not very black
Fanny 26 " [Common size] very black
June 25 " [Common size very black]
Eliza 21 " under [Common size] not very black
Mina 16 " Common size not very black
Frankey 15 " very low stout and very black
Narcissa 14 " [very] large to her age a little yellowish
Lucy 13 " Common size very black
Nelly 12 " Common size not very black
Agness 11 " larger than common not very black
Sarah 12 " smaller than comjmon to her age not very black
Salley 10 " large as common to her age very black
Amey 8 " [large as common to her age] not very black
Phebe about 8 " [large as common to her age] not very black
Sylvia 6 " [large as common to her age] yellowish complexion
Eliza 4 " large as common to her age] very black
Susanna 2 " [large as common to her age] yellow
15 males and 18 Females - 33 in all
Mecklenburg County iss.
This 21st February 1814 James Daniel made oath before me justice of the peace for the said County the above list containg [sic] the truth to the best of his belief and that the said slaves were not brought into this State for the purpose of sale, or with intent to evade the law for preventing the further importation of slaves Given under my hnadn the day and year above written. R. H. Walker
At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 21st day of February 1814 This Certificate was presented unto Court by James Daniel and on his motion It is Ordered that the same be recorded. Teste William Baskerville Cl. Cur.

On 12 August 1814, five days before writing his will, Chisley Daniel gave (for love and affection) to his sons John G., Woodson, and Beverly (note that James is not included), land and slaves as follows:

to my aforesd son John G. Daniel and heirs 1/4 of the following tracts, on waters of Grassey Ck, to wit, my New survey 226a, my Bennets tract as per deed fr Peter Bennit 275a, my old Tract known by the name of Tranquility as it now stands, having sold off of the original 120a, this Tract deducting the 120a as above, contains as per deeds 1130a, to have and to hold the 1/4 part of sd Tracts...with the following reservation, the use of as much of sd Lands as I may need my life time, and also as much as my Wife may need, shoud [sic] she survive me, as long as she may live. To my Sons Woodson Daniel & Beverly Daniel and heirs, I give the balance of the Tracts of Land above mentioned to be equally divided between them with the same reservation in favour of myself and my Wife as is mentioned above. I give to the sd Woodson Daniel also the following Negroes: Sydney and her child Judith, Albert, Washington, Hannah, Joshua, Elijah, Daniel, John, Ritter, Nell & Sampson, and to his Heirs forever, I also give to my son Beverly Daniel the following Negroes Narcissa, Abram, Alexander, Lucy, Eliza, O. H. Perry, Mursier, Frank, President, Billy, Margery, & Carter, and to his heirs.
This deed was witnessed by William West and A. Hamilton, then proved by Alexander Hamilton and recorded in Nov 1814 (Granville Deed Book W263).
There is no explanation I have found as to why son James did not receive any of this land. However, he already has his own lands in the Nutbush district, as shown on the tax lists.

From "Josiah's Book", a handmade book in which brother Josiah and then his son(s) kept family information, we find:

Captn Chisley Daniel of Granville County North Carolina Departed this life Saturday 1st of October 1814

Woodson's listing also shows:
Chisley Daniel was born the 16th of January 1730. He died the --- Oct. 1814 at Springfield, Granville [John Sheftall notes the "date of death was actually October 1, 1814, according to his obituary in the Minerva published in Raleigh, North Carolina, on October 7, 1814".]
Chesley and Judith's daughter Jane died just ten days later, as written in "Josiah's book":

Jane Daniel of Granville County North Carolina Departed this life 11th of October 1814
Thanks to Rosalyn Daniels Sumner for the images from "Josiah's Book"

The Raleigh newspaper death notice reported on Friday, 4 Nov 1814 that there had died "in Granville county, lately, Miss Jane Daniel, sister of the Marshal of this District." Beverly Daniel was a Marshall of the northern district of NC as stated in his 1840 obituary.

Chesley's will, written on 17 August 1814 and probated November 1814 is found in Granville Will Book 7, p. 475:

I Chesley Daniel of Granville County and State of North Carolina do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament revoking all others. I lend unto my most affectionate and beloved wife Judith Daniel during her life time the following property, to wit, Charles, Amy, Milley, Nancy, Christian, Mary, Jiney, Frankey, Kessie, Lucy, Henry & old Jinney, being all the negros that I have remaining, not already disposed of as much of my Household & Kitchen furniture, my stock of every kind and my Plantation utensils as she may wish my old mansion house at Tranquility & the use of as much of my land where she may choose as may be sufficient to work her negros on. It is my will and desire that the negros lent to my wife during her life and which are included as a mean of support to her as well as to enable her to support my daughter Jane Daniel shall after the death of my wife remain for the use & benefit of my daughter Jane Daniel her life time which property it is my will and desire the persons named as executors or any one or more of them that my daughter Jane may point out shall hold in Trust for her use and benefit and so dispose of best to answer my desire in the loan which is to maintain my said daughter Jane Daniel decently and comfortably during her life time. I give & bequeath to my sons Woodson Daniel & Beverly Daniel and their heirs forever that part of my stock of every kind household and Kitchen furniture & plantation utensils not loaned to my wife and that part to her and my daughter Jane and their increase after their death and all my property of every kind not already disposed of. I appoint my beloved wife Judith Daniel, James Daniel, Woodson Daniel & Beverly Daniel Executors to this my last will & testament as Witnesses my hand and seal this 17th August 1814.

I Chesley Daniel do make and ordain this Codicil to my last will and testament, to wit, I lend unto my beloved wife during her life Milly last child (now only a few days old) after her death it is my Will & desire that it shall be joint property of my sons Woodson & Beverly Daniel in Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 29th September 1814

The witnesses to the will were A. L. Satterwhite and Josiah Daniel who proved it at November Court of 1814. At the same time the sons proved the Deed of Gift above from Chesley Daniel to John, Woodson and Beverly Daniel for tracts of land and slaves (DB W-263 described above).

The sons of Chesley (d. 1814) and Judith Daniel were James, Beverly, Woodson, and John G. Daniel. John G. is up in VA by 1814 when his daughter is born, and his sons were born there in 1820 and 1821 as well. John and Beverly later deeded their parts of Tranquility to their other brother James' son, Nathaniel Chesley Daniel (b. 29 July 1797, d. 9 May 1852/3), and this is the part that would include the original house (Nathaniel's descendants remained there far into the 20th century).

The 1814 tax lists for Goshen show only Woodson & Beverly Daniel 2820 acres, 1 free poll, 14 black.

1815 Goshen District:
W & Beverley Daniel no pole numbers, land in G.C. [Granville County here, but in other lists it's used for Grassey Creek.] 275a value in Dollars 518.75
ditto no pole numbers, G.C. 1355a [not sure on first 5], val 4146
ditto no pole numbers, ditto 900a, val 2250
ditto no pole numbers, ditto 279a, val 697.50
[The first two entries add up to Chesley's 1630/1 acres.]
James Daniel is again in Nutbush with his 634.5 acres and 1 store.

The 1816 tax lists show the various tracts, the statistics are for "Name, Local Situation, No. of Acres, Value per Acre, The Whole Val, White, Slaves":
Woodson Daniel & Beverly Daniel in Goshen District, land on Grassy Creek 275a, 2.l25, 687:00, 1-13
ditto 1130a, 3.5?, 3955 [no numbers]
ditto 226a, 3.50, 791, [no numbers]
ditto 479a, 2.25, 2947, [no numbers]
Note: The first three properties add up to Chesley's 1631 acres of previous tax lists. It seems the 120a he sold to Thomas Daniel was part of the original 1250a he bought in 1764, leaving a tract of 1130a. What's not clear yet is if they were all thought of together as "Tranquility". The brothers' business had 1179a in the early 1800s, making me think the 479a is left after sales of some kind.
There is another tax list for 1816 showing in Goshen District
Woodson Daniel & Beverly Daniel, Grassy Ck, 275a, val per acre 2.??[2.20-2.25], total 607.??, 1 free poll, 15 black
ditto, location not dittoed, 1130, 3.50 per acre, total 3955, no pole numbers
James Daniel is still in Nutbush with his 634.5 acres.

The 1817 tax list is very faint:
Goshen District:
Very faint, these are real guesstimates, I can't get the values right at all
? & B? Daniel [5 entries, no poles]
?---a on Cl---- ----?
?-40a on Grass Creek
?275a on Mountain Creek
1130a on Mountain Creek
?-70a on Mountain Creek
James Daniel is still listed in Nutbush with his 634.5 acres, but he has possibly been residing in Mecklenburg the whole time of these lists. On 17 Dec 1817 he was "of Mecklenburg" when he bought 1160 acres located in Granville. This would be the land he would give to his son James B. Daniel.

1818 Goshen District:
W & B Daniel 834a, $3/acre, total 2502, on water G.C. [Grassey Creek] no poles
ditto 279a, $2/acre, total 558, ditto, no poles
ditto 226a, $2/acre, total 452, ditto, no poles
ditto 1130a, $4/acre, total 4520, ditto, no poles [This is the original Tranquility land.]
ditto 275a, $2.50/acre, total 687.5, ditto, no poles
ditto 185a, $6/acre, total 710, on G. Creek, 1-17

By 1818 James Daniel's wife Nancy had died; he is in Mecklenburg where he executed various deeds (DB17-176 and DB17-551) to handle land that was given to his children by Abraham B. Venable, their mother Nancy's brother who died in 1811. The children are all minors and named as: Nathan C. Daniel, Elizabeth W. Daniel, Judith C. Watkins, Nancy V. Daniel, James B. Daniel & Mary J. Daniel.

The 1819 tax lists don't show an entry for this Daniel group that I found.

During these years, James Daniel has been taxed in Nutbush with 634.5 acres located on Island Creek. In 1819 a store called Daniel & Griffin is also taxed which may be his. In 1820 his entry in Nutbush is:
James Daniel 634.5a Island Creek, 1903.??, 0-8
ditto 1072a Grassey Creek, 4874, 0-0
Daniel & Griffin no land, 1-0, 1 store $1000
I think the 1072 acres might be some part of the Tranquility lands, based on the next couple of lists.

The 1820 census for Granville shows (in Goshen district) on p. 21
Woodson Daniel:
1 male 26-45
1 female over 45
1 female 26-45
1 male 16-26
1 female 16-26
2 females under 10
2 males 45 and over
1 female 45 and over
2 males 26-45
2 females 26-45
7 females 14-26
9 males under 14
7 females under 14

These next thoughts about the make-up of this family are being proposed for two reasons:
1) in order to find Judith Daniel, widow of Chesley;
2) to locate Nathaniel Chesley and James Beverly Daniel who will be the later owners of Tranquility.
Woodson is about age 44.
I think there's a chance that the 16-26 year old is Nathaniel C. Daniel b. 29 July 1797, son of Woodson's brother James. James seems to be up in Mecklenburg (p.147a) with 4 daughters and one young son under 10, which I'm thinking/hoping could be an error for his son James B. Daniel who was born 1805. Brother John G. Daniel is probably in either Prince Edward VA where his wife was born or in Powhatan where he would be settled for many years. I haven't found Beverly, but I now can confirm he is not the Beverly Daniel of Greenville SC; that Beverly Daniel married Judith Wood Machen and moved eventually to Cherokee GA.
Of the women, one should be Woodson's new wife Elizabeth Mitchell (md. 1818). Later census narrows her birth to 1780-1790 and there are two young girls born here, so she could be the 26-45 year old, leaving it almost certain that the older woman is Judith, Woodson's mother.

The next family on this 1820 census is William Daniel Jr.:
1 male over 45
1 female over 45
1 male 26-45
1 male 45 and over
2 males 26-45
1 female 26-45
2 males 14-26
2 females 14-26
7 males under 14
5 females under 14
[This William is not the son of Josiah: that family (including William) is grouped in Country Line district over on p. 35. This list is alphabetical, so the two are not necessarily living next to each other. It is most likely that this is the William Daniel who inherited Granville land in 1800 from his father William Daniel of Halifax. There is also a Daniel family missing from this census which has been there all along in the tax lists, Thomas d. 1831 and Mary d. 1838, (had son Merrimon, and grandchildren surnamed Harris and Wilkerson). I don't know that they had a son William and Thomas is still alive at this time, but there were many slaves listed in the estate records for this family. I also have a working theory that some Orange County Daniels (possibly distant cousins) may be the ones that show up in Granville in the early 1800s, all unfinished speculation so far.

Deed Book Z107 is a deed of gift from Woodson Daniel to Beverly and Judith Daniel for his interest in personal property divided to them by the will of C. Daniel, said Judith Daniel having only a lifetime interest, July 31, 1820. The gift included "...woman by the name of Christian and her daughter, a child by the name of Amy...two certain slaves , to wit, Mary An and Scot....

Mortgaged! Yes, Woodson mortgaged his Tranquility interests, but not to worry. Later deeds will show that the Tranquility lands involved did end up in his brother James' name. The language of the mortgages is fascinating and show that the brothers' business was breaking up, so I am including sections of the deeds here:
Deed Book Z114 is a mortgage deed dated 31 Jul 1820 from Woodson to Thomas B. Littlejohn & James Daniel for "all his right title and interest in and to tract known by the name of the Tranquility tract 1130 acres, also all his right title and interest in and to the Bennett tract 275 acres, which sd tracts of land were conveyed by the late Chesley Daniel decd to sd Woodson Daniel and Beverly Daniel by deeds of Gift with a reservation to the Widow of sd Chesley of the use of so much as shd be necessary for her during her life also all the crops growing upon the sd Tracts of land and all his interest in the Stock of Horses cattle Sheep and hogs which he now has including his interest in those which were bequeathed to him at the death of his mother by his late father as well as those bequeathed by his father to Beverly Daniel to take effect at the same time and also all and every asbete [sic, could be awkward phrase ending in title] of the kne-d [not really kind, but] which he has since purchased and also all his interest in the House hold and kitchen furnature and plantation utensils of every description whatever which were bequeathed in the same manner and all now held in the same way...." The mortgage is to satisfy the settling up of accounts between Woodson and his brother James: "Woodson Daniel is Justly indebted to the sd Jas Daniel $3067.79 principlly [sic] on acct of money lent and balance due from the old concern of James Daniel and Brothers....the sd Woodson Daniel ??? [this word seems like "Cl---s" but not claims, "likens" but not quite, "believes" but not quite] to be one of Peculiar obligation and has been in current at his request and from a desire on the part of the sd James to assist and befriend him...." The payment was due on 15 Sep of the next year.

Deed Book Z123-128 is another mortgage by Woodson Daniel made on 8 Aug 1820 to Samuel Hillman & Thomas B. Littlejohn. It includes land he owned in right of his wife, several other tracts lands he had purchased, and slaves. The first group may not have been involved with Tranquility, but the second group definitely was: "... also 14 slaves which he has in possession [no punctuation in this list, I have added to make 14 and maintain the descriptions, but there may be a problem at "her son Judith"]: Daniel, Bob, Anderson, John, Washington, Hanah, her son Isham, Mossey, Cynthia, her Daughter Bettey, her son Judith, Christian, Amey (the daughter of Christian), & Elijah, also 13 slaves which [Woodson] has an equal Intrust [interest] in with Beverly Daniel at the decease of their mother [again, no punctuation for the list, but it's clear, so I added]: ?J?inney, Charles, Amey, Lacy [not really Lucy, but], Franky, Kissy [not a great K but], Henry, James, Milly, Nancy, Mary, Eliza, & Nell, ...." One of the land tracts has a special clause: "also all right etc to ?00a [?100 or 900?] on waters of Mountain Ck adj Samuel T. Downey, Edward Hunt & others, reserving for the benefit of a certain Simon Davis (a man of Colour) the benefit intended to be secured to him in a certain agreement (to wit) that on his paying the balance of the purchase money for 54 or 5 acres [written to mean "54 or 55 acres"] of sd tract as mentioned the sd agreement the sd Simon was to have a good Title made to him..."
The purpose of the mortgage is described and has more interesting language: "that where as the said party of the first part by purchases of property in more Auspicious times & property commanded a high price has involved himself in debt which he honestly desires to pay or secure the payment of and where as from the pecuneary embarrassments of the times as well as the unfortunate State of the affairs of the late Late [sic] concern of Woodson Daniel & John Oliver it being understood generally that the sd Oliver has made over his property with a view of evading the payment of his part of the debts of sd concern The creditors of the sd part of the first part and the creditors of the sd concern appear determined to coerce him at this time to pay out only [sic, but I think it means not only] his undivided debts but the debts of the concern which must eventuate in a verry great Sacrafice of [Woodson's] property and probably in the loss to some of his creditors of their debts where he believes if his property could be disposed of at far [fair] value that it is amply sufficient to pay all his Just debts and where as [Woodson] is owing some debts which leave the peculiar circumstances under which they were contracted the concerns to be debts of peculiar obligation such for instance as has been incured from motives of friendship and whereas also many of his friends have become his securities fr equally disinterested motives to secure when he conceives it to be his undispensable duty and which debts deserves to be considered to be of the first order of class...."

On 27 Oct 1821 Ichabod Neal sold to Nathaniel Daniel "a man named Fill of the age of twenty eight or thirty years..." (Granville Deed Book 1-85). This was to secure a debt Neal owed to Isarel [sic] Hargrove, so Fill may not have ended up in Nathaniel Chesley Daniel's hands, but now Nathaniel Chesley Daniel, the eventual owner of Tranquility has entered the records.

The 1821-23 tax lists really shake up the picture.
The 1821 entries for Goshen do not show anything about the Daniel brothers or obvious Tranquility acreage. However, over in Nutbush James Daniel is listed with his 634.5 acres on Gilliams Branch, valued at 1903.50, 0 free polls, 7 black, 1 store valued at $5000. He has a second entry for 1103 acres Grassy Creek, valued at 4412, 0 polls of any kind. No amount of tax is given for him as is done for the other people in this list. That Grassy Creek acreage should be Tranquility lands.

The 1822 tax lists show:
Goshen District:
Bev & Judith Daniel no land, 0 free polls, 7 black, amt tax 4.55
Beverly Daniel 226a Mountain C, val 226
ditto 100a Mountain C, val 100
ditto 200a Grassy, val 400, amt tax 7.37
ditto 70a Fishing, val 70
ditto 1100a Grassy, val 2750
ditto 100a Grassy, val 100
skip 1 name
Jas Daniel (Jno & Bev) [the Jno is tricky, but...], 1405a Mountain, val 5620, no poll numbers, amt tax 11.24
Woodson Daniel 20a Grassy, no val given, 1 free poll, 0 black, amt tax .65
Nutbush District:
James & Nathl Daniel no land 1 free poll, 1 black, amt tax 1.30
The Tranquility lands should be included in the 1405 acres on Mountain Creek. James had not yet turned 60, and his son Nathaniel has turned 21, so there would be 2 polls so their poll numbers are not quite right: this family may be listed in name only and actually still residing in Mecklenburg VA.

The 1823 tax lists show:
Goshen District:
Woodson Daniel Esqr for John, James & Beverly Daniel 1005a [has ditto for Aarons Creek, but just above had been Grassy Creek, I think this may/must be an error] val. 4020, no poles, amt tax 8.4
Woodson is also handling his brother Beverly's other lands:
ditto [i.e. Woodson Daniel Esqr] for Beverly Daniel 226a [has ditto for Aarons Creek, but...] val 339, 0-6
ditto for Beverly Daniel 1100a [ditto for Aarons Creek, but...] val 2750
ditto for Beverly Daniel 55a [ditto for Aarons Creek, but...] val 110, amt tax 10.10
ditto for Beverly Daniel 100a [ditto for Aarons Creek, but...] val 200
ditto for Beverly Daniel 69a Fishing Creek, val 69

Nutbush District:
Nathaniel Daniel no land 1-0, amt tax .65
James Daniel 1100a Island Ck, val 4476
ditto 657a Island Ck, val 1912.50, 0-8, amt tax 18.00
In this case, I think the Tranquility lands have to be the 1005 acres that Woodson handled for his three brothers, the possible error of the "ditto for Aarons Creek" makes it problematic, but the 1100 acres on Island Creek can't be Tranquility (it is too solidly described everywhere as on Mountain and Grassey Creeks).

In 1824 Thomas Watkins sold to Nathaniel Daniel "a Negro boy named Edmond of the age of seventeen years". (Granville Deed Book 2-53)

The following deed from Book 3 p. 227 gives a nice description of where three of Chesley and Judith's sons were residing in 1825.
6 Sept. 1825, from James Daniel of Mecklenburg Co. VA, John G. Daniel of Powatan Co. VA, Beverly Daniel of Raleigh, NC to Charles Duncan of Granville Co. NC; for $225, 96 acres and 118/116 [not sure] of an acre, more or less, on Mountain Creek, adj. Stephen Sanford, Thomas Person, said James, John G. & Beverly Daniel, adj. said Daniel and Solomon Satterwhite's corner. Wit. Woodson Daniel, Louis Wilkerson, Phillip Pierson as to James Daniel. Wit. Robert K. Dabney as to John G. Daniel. Proved on oath of Woodson Daniel as to James Daniel and Beverly Daniel, and Robert K. Dabney as to John G. Daniel, Sept. 5, 1827. [At first I thought this deed probably involved land from the sons' businessIn 1841, but Charles Duncan would buy another 141 acres here, described as bounding Nathaniel Daniel. This description makes it seem possible to me that it is Tranquility land. This 96+ acres would be sold in 1849, see later.]

The 1825 tax lists:
Goshen District
Woodson Daniel for B Daniel:
1405a Mountain, 4/a, 5620.00, no poll, 9slv, =30.11
126a ditto, 1/a, 126.00, no numbers or total
1100a ditto, 2.50/a, 2750.00, no numbers of total
55a ditto, 1/a 55.00, no numbers or total
200a ditto, 1.50/a 300.00, no numbers or total
440a Grassey Creek, 2/a 880.00, no numbers or total

Nutbush District
J & NC Daniel, 2 poll, 2 slv, =3.00
skip 4 names
James Daniel:
637a Island Creek, 3/a, 1411.00, no poll, 15 slv, =27.83
ditto 1000a, Grassy Creek, 5/a, 5000.00, no numbers or total

Tranquility is part of the 1405 acres of Woodson and Beverly. The J and NC Daniel in Nutbush are James and Nathaniel Chesley. Given that it's the same district father James should not be named twice. James' other son was only 20 at the time and would generally be known as James B., but the J should be him. On the other hand, father James is over 60 so he shouldn't be listed as a poll, i.e. it's a toss-up for this year to identify the first J.

Woodsons family listing shows the following about Judith Christian, wife of Chesley Daniel:
Judith Christian (his wife) was born the -----. She died at Springfield 29th April 1826 [John Sheftall notes that "the correct year was 1825 according to Raleigh Register of May 12, 1825, which published her obituary, stating she died April 29, 1825 at Springfield in her 87th year."]

After making a bond on 21 January with John C. Green as his security, Nathaniel C. Daniel married Anne H. Bullock on 24 January 1828, in Warren County. Anne Harriet Bullock was born 29 September 1804, the daughter of James Bullock of Warren County. The witness to the marriage was M. M. Drake.

The 1830 Census Schedules for Granville p.4, taken by Woodson Daniel for the North Regiment, show Nathaniel C. Daniel's family as [the names I give here are based on others' write-ups, I have informally verified them in the records, but have not made a full study]:
2 males 30-40 [Nathaniel Chesley 33, and ??see below]
1 male 20-30 [this could be his brother James B. Daniel age 25, but so could the entry described next. James B. Daniel doesn't marry until 1832.]
1 female 20-30 [Ann Harriet Bullock Daniel 26]
2 females under 10 [Ann Eliza age 1, Lucy Taylor about 6 months]
3 males 24 to 36
2 females 24 to 36
3 males 10 to 24
4 females 10 to 24
7 males under 10
4 females under 10

Listed just three families before Nathaniel is
James Daniel Jr:
1 male 20-30
0 females
1 male 24-36
2 females 24-36
3 males 10-24
2 females 10-24
4 males under 10
2 females under 10

Woodson Daniel is listed on p. 6 with
1 male 50-60
1 male 40-50
1 female 40-50
1 female 20-30
1 female 5-10
1 female under 5
2 females 55-100
2 males 36-55
3 females 36-55
1 male 24-36
1 female 24-36
5 males 10-24
3 females 10-24
6 males under 10
5 females under 10
It is possible Woodson is living on land involved with the Daniel and Brothers Company, but it's not likely part of Tranquility: he is listed just 6 families away from his aunt Elizabeth, widow of Josiah (they were located in Country Line District, although districts are not indicated on this census); in August of 1815 Samuel Daniel, trustee, deeded to Woodson and Beverly Daniel all right of Josiah Daniel bequeathed to him by his father, Josiah Daniel (of the estate). Assuming this included the land, then this location for Woodson makes more sense. Brother John G. Daniel is in Powhatan VA with his 3 children, Beverly Daniel is in Raleigh NC, but I haven't positively located brother James Daniel. He's not in Mecklenburg VA which is where he was in 1810, 1820 and 1840; I'm wondering now if he's the other male over 45 listed with Nathaniel C. Daniel, it would be an non-standard way to enumerate, but not unheard of, especially if the land is fully vested in Nathaniel Chesley Daniel. Minor evidence for this, the only other James Daniel listed in Granville is the James Daniel Jr., indicating there should be an older James Daniel around, whether related or not.

In 1831 Daniel Glover sold to Nathaniel C. Daniel slaves named Henry, Nelson and Silvy (Granville Deed Book 5-83). This may be a mortgage rather than an outright transfer, the original is still to be checked.

The following is some of what happened in the Daniel family in the 1830s as presented, by both parties, in a suit by James B. Daniel against his sister-in-law Ann H. Bullock Daniel after Nathaniel Chesley Daniel had died. There is more from these files later.
   ...for several years prior to 1830 N.C. Daniel and his father James Daniel, were merchandising at Simsville in Granvile under the name of James & N.C. Daniel...about 1830 James Daniel gave them (his two sons N.C. and J.B.) the stock of goods on hand, &, either at the same time or subsequently, the Waterloo tract of land, & put up a store house, dwelling & other improvements...James B. Daniel was boarding (for free) with Nathaniel C. and his family at the time.
   In 1830 James B. entered into a verbal agreement with Nathaniel C. his brother to become a partner with him in the Mercantile business under the firm and Style of N.C. & J. B. Daniel...from 1830 - 1834 they carried on 1833 they commenced business in the town of Clarksville in the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia where they enlarged their business to a great extent...(they moved everything from Waterloo to Clarksville and James moved there and managed the business) they carred on until the year 1837 at which time they ceased to be actively engaged in selling goods...the books of the said concern were kept entirely by his said partner [i.e. Nathaniel C.] from 1830-1846 with the exception of the time that they were kept by their clerk in Clarksville 1834-1844...after books were taken from Clarksville Nathaniel C. took charge of 1837 they (James and N.C.) entered into a copartnership for the purpose of selling goods in the town of Clarksville and State of Virginia with one Joel T. Watkins and one William D. Ligon under the name & style of Daniels, Ligon and Watkins...(James and N.C.) sold their remaining stock of goods....

The tax lists are missing from 1826 - 1831. In 1832 the only listing that seems to apply may be the following:
Abrams Plains
Last name cut off, could be Daniel: James B. ----el? 1100a, value $4700.00, Grassy Creek, 1 poll, 11 slaves, tax=12.69
This could be James B. Daniel being taxed on his father's other lands. There simply is no clear entry for Tranquility lands.

The 1833 tax lists show Nathaniel C. with Tranquility acreage that would not be formally transferred to him until 1843! Again, there aren't entries for the elder Woodson, Beverly, and James, yet they still control the other share of the land. They had been selling off some of their other properties over the last years, but somehow some listings were skipped. Later deeds will show that James gave both his sons Granville land, James B. and Nathaniel C. now have their own separate lands and James B. is out of the Tranquility picture more or less:
Abrams Plains
James B. Daniel 1092a Grassy Creek, $4700.00, 1 poll, 12 slv, tax=10.84
next Nathaniel C. Daniel 605.25a Grassy Creek, $2421, 1 poll, 12 slv, tax=8.11

The 1834 tax lists are similar, taxes have gone up substantially, and Nathaniel now has 2 more slaves. However, the James Daniel named here has no poll, his son James B. is 29-30, so these entries for 1834-36 are given in the father's name:
Abrams Plains
Nathaniel Daniel 605a, 2420.00, 1 poll 12 slv, -12.64
James Daniel 1092a, 4700.00, no poll 14 slv, =17.80

Mecklenburg deeds show the two brother buying lots in Clarksville together, fitting the description Ann Bullock Daniel gave in her depositions described above: DB26-202 Caleb H. Turner and wf Ann to N.C. and J.B. Daniel all of Mecklenburg 13 Dec 1834, $590, land in Town of Clarksville on N sd of Virginia on Main Street, bd beginning at Corner of Lots No. 21 & 22 and runing on VA street in front Lot No 22 52.5 ft thence by a line at right angles to VA street runing back 100 ft thence by a line parallel with Virginia street 52.5 ft to the dividing line of Lots No 22 & 23 thence along the dividing line of Lots No 22 & 23 110 to the back line of said two lots thence along the back line of Lot No 22 105 ft to the back corner of lots 22 & 21 thence along the dividing line of Lots No 22 & 21 210 ft to the beg. (It being part of lot No 22 purch by sd C. H. Turner of David Skelton). no wits. relinq and ackn 13 Dec 1834, recd 15 Dec 1834

There are no lists for 1835, but by 1836 the relative locations have cleared up. Also Nathaniel C. is now in control of all the Tranquility acreage, yet formal title to all is still to come:
Abrams Plains
James Daniel, no poll, 13 slvs, 1092a, 4700.00, =18.66
Nathl C Daniel, 1 poll, 13 slv, 1258a, 4546.00, Mountain, =18.96

In 1837 James B. is again present, he may have been up in Mecklenburg during the last couple years. Father James definitely resided there at his death, but still had land in Granville. Note that Nathaniel C. Daniel is double entered.
Abrams Plains
James B Daniel, 1092a GC, 5000.00, 1 poll, 15 slv, =35.14
Nathl C Daniel, 1141a, no location given, 3423.00, 1 poll, 15 slv, =29.32
Beverly Daniel 1 poll, =1.04 [I do not think this is the elder Beverly, he actually lived in Raleigh most of the time, but I include this listing here anyway, just in case.]
Nath C. Daniel (Entered in Abrams Plains)

Although Tranquility was actually deeded to Chesley's sons John G., Woodson and Beverly Daniel, it would eventually end up in the hands of Nathaniel C. Daniel, son of James (another son of Chesley and Judith). The first transfer that will accomplish this is in Deed Book 9-171, from John G. Daniel of Powhatan VA to Nathaniel C. Daniel of Granv 28 Sep 1838, for $1925, 518 130/160 acres Granv known by the name of Tranquillity [sic], on waters of Grassy Ck, bd beg at a Given [sic, not Gum] thence N 302p to a white Oak, thence E 235p to a Hickory thence S 15E 270p to a white Oak, thence S 42p to a Dog Wood, thence W 305p to beg; Also a small parcel of land lying between sd Tranquillity Tract and the lands sold by sd John G. Daniel to James M. Satterwhite [written over the start of another name, may have been Daniel] 17 65/160a known as the balance of the Bennett Tract. wit omitted. sig John G. Daniel, Susan M. Daniel. probatum fr Prince Edward VA that John G. and Susan M. Daniel ackn, 28 Sep 1838, another that Susan relinq same date. then the classic proofs that the justices are who they say they are]. recorded Feb 1839.
The bounds given show this to be the northern section of the original Tranquility lands when compared to the plat shown above. The acreage is interesting in that John G. Daniel was only given 1/4 of the lands (i.e. 282.5 acres) in the 1814 deed from Chesley to his sons, but this 518+ acres represents about 46% of the land. How John came to control more than his original 1/4 could be due to division or receipt of one of the other brother's share, more about this later.

1838 tax lists show:
Abrams Plains
James B Daniel 1092a, GC, 5000.00, 1 poll, 13 slv, =33.06
N. C. Daniel 1132a Grassy Creek, 3478.00, 1 poll, 16 slv, =30.37
Beverly Daniel 1 poll, =1.04 [again, almost surely not the elder, I'm going to drop him from future listings]

1839 tax lists:
Abrams Plains
James B Daniel 1092a, 5000.00, GC, 1 poll, 15 slv, =29.26
Nathl C Daniel 1142a Grassy Creek, 3428.00, 1 poll, 16 slv, =25.25

1840 tax lists:
Abrams Plains
Jas B Daniel 1092a, do for GC, 5000.00, 1 poll, 16 slv, =27.45
N. C. Daniel 1142a, G Creek, 3426.00, 1 poll 16 slv, =23.02

The 1840 census for Granville, p. 129, shows
Nathl. C. Daniel:
1 male 40-50 [Nathaniel Chesley 43]
1 female 30-40 [Ann Harriet 35]
1 female 20-30
2 females 10-15 [Ann Eliza 11, Lucy Taylor age 10]
2 females 5-10 [Frances Catherine 9, Sarah Virginia 6]
1 male 5-10 [James 8]
2 males under 10 [William Richard 4, George Bullock 2]
Slaves: [there is a page out of order for the slaves, but I believe the following is correct and it fits the totals given]
2 females 55-100
2 males 36-55
2 females 36-55
2 males 24-36
2 females 24-36
2 males 10-24
5 females 10-24
3 males under 10
5 females under 10

James B. Daniel is on p. 134 with
1 male 30-40 [James B. 35]
1 female 20-30 [Eliza Reid Daniel 23]
2 females under 5 [Nancy Venable 5, Martha Elizabeth 1]
1 male under 5 [Charles Reid Daniel 3]
2 males 55-100
1 female 36-55
3 males 24-36
4 females 24-36
3 males 10-24
5 females 10-24
5 males under 10
5 females under 10

The sons of Chesley are scattered in 1840: John G. is still in Powhatan VA, James is still in Mecklenburg VA, the listing for Beverly Daniel in Raleigh NC shows no whites and 2 slaves; he is not shown on the SC census but he died in Yorkville SC in October 1840 according to an obituary published there. I cannot find Woodson, he may have been skipped on his way to Perry County Alabama.

On 7 Apr 1841 John G. Daniel of Powhatan bought 1153 76/160 acres of land in Granville. This would be known as "Red Hill", which is where he died. Now that he's back in town and since he was an heir of Tranquility lands, I'm going to include him on the tax listings.

1841 tax lists:
Abrams Plains
James B. Daniel 1092a, GC, $5000, 1 poll, 17 slv, =19.58
John G. Daniel 1155a, $4850, GC, no numbers, =7.23 1/2 [=Red Hill just bought, on Beaver Pond for tax district later]
Nathl Daniel 1147a, MC, $3423, 1 poll 16 slv, =16/02

In 1842 Susah Hart deeded to James B. Daniel " Negro man named Bob about seventy years of age & one Negro man named Abram about eighteen years of age..." (Book 11 p. 233)

The passing of the second generation of Tranquility owners
The sons of Chesley died in the 1840s to 1850s:

  1. Beverly's obituary says he died in Oct of 1840 in Yorkville SC, but Woodson's listing says "Died in Raleigh 13th September 1840".
  2. James was dead before November 1841 as shown in estate dealings between Woodson and James' sons; Woodson's listing shows he died "8th Sepr 1841".
  3. John G.'s death is listed by Woodson as "in Mecklenburg Va the 23d June 1848". His will was probated in August of 1848, the legatees are his wife Susan M. Daniel, Ann B. Dupey, Moses H. Daniel, Richard V. Daniel (he would end up with the land at Red Hill). In the inventory filed 1 Apr 1849 by his son the first item is "A tract of land called Red Hill containing eleven hundred and fifty acres", which is near Bullock about 11 miles northeast of Stovall in Granville County, in the line of travel from Clarksville VA down to Stovall. Today there is a building in the National Register of Historical Places called Red Hill (added 1986 - Building - #86001632) and in 1999 a restoration project was completed for the plantation. Also named are the following slaves, I include them because some of them could have been from the early days of Tranquility, or possibly descendants (remembering though that John G. lived up in Powhatan most of his adult life, so many were probably acquired there):
    Inventory of John G. Daniel decd, 1 Apr 1849, by R. V. Daniel, exr. [his son]. Slaves: John, Jinney, Susan, Winny, Jane, Eliza, Patrick, Peyton, Polly, Frances, John, Jane, Susan, Wisevi Cuss [this is one name based on a count of 33], Simon, Nancy, William, Filles, Martha Ann, Joshua, Mary, Somerville, Jim, Henry, Phill, Lenora, Nancy, Littlejohn, Moses, Mary, Lucy, Lucy, Nelson.
    (For more information on Red Hill see my entry at Sankofa's Afrikan Slave Genealogy.)
  4. Woodson died in Perry County AL on 27 May 1853.

The 1842 tax lists:
Abrams Plains
James B. Daniel 1092a Grassy Creek, $5000, 1 poll, 18 slv, =20.14
John G. Daniel 1155a Beaver pond, $4800, 1 poll 10slv, =15.37 1/2
Nathaniel C. Daniel 1141 72/100a, MC, $3423, 1 poll 21 slv, =18.84 or 18.82 1/2

The final transfer that put all the rest of Tranquility into the hands of Nathaniel C. Daniel occurred on 26 Sep 1843. His father James had died intestate in Mecklenburg and the heirs executed two deeds to even out distribution of his estate. The heirs named in these deeds were: Nathaniel C. Daniel and wf Ann H. of Granville, James B. Daniel of Granville, Saml L. Graham and wf Judith C. of Prince Edward VA, Saml D. Booker and wf Mary of Mecklenburg VA and Ann V. Watkins of Halifax VA. The deeds state that James had advanced tracts of land in Granville to his sons James B. and Nathaniel C., but that title had not been made yet. The deeds also explain that James intended to leave his Mecklenburg lands to his two daughters Judith C. Graham and Mary J. Booker, and that besides slaves, he had intended to give his daughter Ann V. Watkins cash to balance her share out. They further state that the heirs intended to carry out those wishes and had settled on $1000 to go to Ann V. Watkins to make her share even.
Deed Bk 16-470 and 16-475 show the heirs perfecting title for 1160 acres to James B. Daniel and 605 37/160 acres to Nathaniel C. Daniel, the latter being bounded N by lands purch by Nathaniel C. Daniel fr John G. Daniel, E by Ransom Frasier, S by lands of Ransom Frasier and Charles Duncan, W by Charles Duncan and Solomon Satterwhite.
This 605 37/160 acres is the remaining portion of Tranquility lands; added to what John G. Daniel had deeded to Nathaniel, they add up to 1134 acres. The deeds were not recorded until Feb 1852.

1843 tax lists:
Abrams Plains
James B. Daniel 1092a G Creek [=Grassy Ck], $5000, 1 poll 19 slv, =23.20
next John G. Daniel 1153a B P. C [=Beaver Pond Ck], $4860, 2 poll 13 slv, =19.84
skip 2
Nathaniel Daniel 1442a, $4326, no poll, 23 slv, =23.54 1/2
The no poll shown for Nathaniel Daniel is odd, but I checked it carefully, may just be an error. I also have not yet a deed to answer for the extra 300 or so acres Nathaniel is now showing.

There was some controversy over title to Tranquility in the family after the death of old Chesley's son James, the father of Nathaniel C. and James B. Daniel. Woodson Daniel wrote a letter from his home in Marion, Perry County AL on 11 Apr 1844 [could be 1846 both here and on cover sheet]:

"I expected my brother John would need your assistance about his Executorship & Trusteeship of my Brother Beverly's Estate"..."I enclose you an unsealed letter I have written to my Nephews N.C. & J. B. Daniel."..."and have advised him [brother John] for you and him to meet at Nat's or James's for the purpose."..."I desire an amicable settlement of the controversy with the Representative of Brother James' estate and hope my nephews and nieces will discard the notion that they were disposed to indulge in when I saw them, that it would be disrespectfull to the memory of their father to investigate the justice of a claim put up by him in his life time. So far from this Conclusion being Corred [Correct?] in this Case I have never known a case of Controversy that more imp-iously [looks like imperiously, not impiously] dictated it. From Brother John's statement the Deed of the Tranquility land sold by him was made by him and Beverly, the latter acknowledged it in Raleigh when he examined it, before a Judge for the purpose of its being recorded, this explains to my mind the Cause of the Bonds not being delivered up for I think it is probable that my Brother Beverly was never in Granville after the division of the Tranquility land. Do my Dr friend attend to this business as soon as you can and write the result. Please present my respects to Lunsford Paschall and ask him to examine the Deed in the Register's Office made by John and Beverly Daniel to N.C. Daniel of their part of the Tranquility Land & write me the quantity Conveyed, and the amount of the Consideration mentioned in the Deed & to do so immediately." [The next cover shows the letter is to Thomas B. Littlejohn, and was forwarded to N.C. and J. B. Daniel]
There isn't a recorded deed such as referred to from John and Beverly together to N.C. Daniel in the index of Granville deeds so far as I have been able to find, only the one from John to Nathaniel for the 506 37/160 acres. It could be that somehow Beverly's share was split between John and James and Woodson, or that it was given to one of them by mortgage, there are some ways to do the numbers that come close. No matter how Beverly's share was handled, the whole of Tranquility is now in the name of Nathaniel C. Daniel. There are still more deeds to be checked, hopefully they will answer all these questions.

1844 tax lists:
Abrams Plains
Nathaniel C. Daniel 1442a GC, $4326, 1 poll 24 slv, =28.31 1/4
next James B. Daniel 1092a " [GC], $5000, 1 poll 18 slv, =25.80
next John G. Daniel 1153a B. P. $4860, 2 poll 12 slv, =21.95

When James Daniel died (son of Chesley and Judith and father of Nathaniel C. and James B. Daniel), there was probate of his estate in Mecklenburg VA. I include it here because it includes the names of slaves, many of them may have ended up in the hands of his daughters as described in later transactions between his heirs, but some may have gone to his sons and ended up back at Tranquility.

Mecklenburg Will Bk16-46 Inventory [2.5 pp, double columns] by Joel T. Watkins, appr Samuel V. Watkins, N. C. Read, Jno L. Burwell, recd 20 May 1844
Little Dick Age 61 years $80
Jinney 66 - expence 100
Jordan 44 - 400
Aggy & child 39 - 400
Whitfield 25 - 750
Marcellus 20 - 700
Sally 17 - 600
Abram 11 - 450
Horace 8 - 400
Daniel 6 - 250
Fancy 3 - 150
Celah 7 - expence ?500?
Big Dick 54 - 250 [or 280]
Eva 53 - 100
George 81 [very clear] - expence 50
Besley/Besbey 32 - 250 [not Betsey, but totals say Betsey]
Hannah 83 [very clear] - expence 100
Lucinda 59 - expence 200
Theodore 42 - 450
Ned 52 - 300
Lizzy 46 - 150
Beverley 13 - 425
Amelia 7 - 200
Martha Jane 5 - 175
Frank 3 - 150
Jim 53 - expence 100
[total] 7350
off expence 750
[total] 6600
off for Betsey 100
[total] 6500
followed by plantation equip/tools, tools, household, kitchen, guns, furniture, cattle/hogs/etc., tons of books listed by title (about 50). [i.e. there's a full household here. The coffin was paid here.]
Bk16-62 acct of Joel T. Watkins
starts 1841/2, recd 15 Jul 1844
$ to H. W. Dunkley, H. M. Radford, G. B. Scott, Lynch's a/c, Revd E. Hines, Carkwell & Clack, D. Sturdivant, J. M. Bullock, Jas Lewis, Jas H. Wells
$ from A. & R. Overbey, John G. Daniel, Revd, E. Hines.
[There are more files on James Daniel's estate which run from 1841 to 1853, I am showing them all at the later date because they are grouped together in one file in the will books.]

Nathaniel Daniel and James Daniel are on the list of voters titled "August 1845 Vote For Congress And County And Superior Court Clerk--List Of Votes Taken At 'Youngs X Roads'".
The 1845 tax lists show:
Abrams Plains
Jas B. Daniel 1092a IC, $5000, 1 poll, 18 bp, =32.03
next Jno G. Daniel 1153a, B Pond, $4860, 2 poll, 13 bp, =28.11 3/4
next N. C. Daniel 1492a, GC, $4326, 1 poll, 24 bp, =35.15 3/4

1846 tax lists:
Abrams Plains
Jas B. Daniel 1092a GC, $5000, 1 poll 18 bp, =32.03
next N. C. Daniel 1492a, $4326, 1 poll 20bp, =31.67 1/4 or 3/4
next Jno G. Daniel 1153a BP, $4860, 1 poll 13 bp, =28.98 1/2

1847 tax lists:
Abrams Plains
Jas B. Daniel 1092 GC. $5000, 1 poll 18 slv, -26.87
next N.C. Daniel 350a AP [for Abrams Plains apparently], $712, no numbers, no tax
next is a ditto for N.C. 1142a Goshen, $3997, no poll, 21 slv, =27.58
next John G. Daniel 1153 BP, $5000, 2 poll 8 slv, =20.30

1848 tax lists:
Abrams Plains
Richd V. Daniel 1153 BP, $5000.00, 1wp, 10bp, [totals often too faint] ~2-.8- [twenty something and 80 something cents]
skip 6
Jas B. Daniel 1092a GC, $5000, 1wp, 19bp, =[faint] 27.77 1/2
next N.C. Daniel 1142a MC, 43227, no wp
next is ditto for N.C. 315a no loc no ditto, $750, no wp, 25bp for both in brackets, =30.7? [for both but listed on bottom one]
John G. Daniel had died and now the Red Hill plantation has passed to his son Richard Venable Daniel.

On 15 November 1849, John (x) Duncan sold to Charles Duncan, both of Granville, for $4, his interest in an undivided piece of land belonging to the heirs of Charles Duncan Sr. adjoining Solomon Satterwhite?, Woodson Eakes?, Herrel? Wilkerson, and Solomon Satterwhite, being 96-1/2 or 3/4 acres. The witnesses were Nathl. Daniel and Charles Duncan. (Granville Deed Bk 15 p. 714). This is the 96+ acres that James, John G. and Beverly Daniel sold to Charles Duncan in 1825 (see above, Book 3 p. 227)

In the 1850 census Nathaniel's family is on p. 192 in the Goshen District:
Nathaniel C. 52 b. VA, farmer, real estate valued at $5173
Ann H. 45 b. NC
Lucy T. 20 b. NC
Frances 19 b. NC
Sarah 16 b. NC
Wm. 14 b. NC
George 11 b. NC
Samuel 10 b. NC
Nathaniel 8 b. NC
Alice 5 b. NC

The 1850 Slave Schedules for NC Granville Goshen District show Nathaniel Daniel owning the following 43 slaves by age, gender, race:

60 Female Black
48 Female Black
45 Male Black
38 Female Black
37 Male Black
37 Female Black
36 Male Black
31 Female Black
31 Male Black
27 Female Black
26 Male Black
24 Male Black
22 Female Mulatto
20 Male Black
20 Female Black
19 Male Black
17 Male Black
16 Male Mulatto
15 Female Black
15 Male Black
15 Male Black
13 Female Black
13 Male Black
12 Female Black
11 Female Black
11 Male Black
11 Female Black
10 Female Black
7 Male Black
7 Male Black
7 Female Black
6 Female Black
6 Female Black
6 Female Black
6 Female Black
4 Male Black
4 Female Black
4 Female Black
3 Male Black
3 Male Black
0 Female Black
0 Female Black
0 Female Black

Brother James B. Daniel in 1850 was on p. 206 in "Abraham Planes" district [aka Abrams/Abrahams Plains, northwest of Stovall]. The Virginia birthplaces of his children from 1834-1849 show that he was no longer occupying Tranquility lands.
James Daniel 45 VA, farmer, value of real estate owned $5000
Jane 33 VA
Nancy 15 VA
Charles 13 VA
Martha 11 VA
Mildred 7 VA
Lucy 5 VA
James 1 VA
The 1850 Slave Schedules for NC Granville "Abrahams Planes" District show James B. Daniel owning the following 39 slaves by age, gender, race:

100 Female Black
60 Female Black
55 Female Black
50 Male Black
50 Male Black
50 Male Black
50 Male Black
45 Female Black
40 Female Black
33 Male Black
33 Male Black
31 Female Black
25 Male Black
25 Male Black
25 Male Black
21 Male Black
20 Female Black
19 Female Black
18 Female Black
17 Male Black
12 Female Black
11 Male Black
10 Female Black
10 Female Black
8 Male Black
8 Female Black
8 Male Black
6 Male Black
6 Female Black
6 Male Black
6 Male Black
5 Female Black
5 Male Black
4 Female Black
3 Female Black
3 Female Black
2 Female Black
2 Female Black
1 Female Black

There are more documents from James Daniel's estate in Mecklenburg VA. Another younger James Daniel is now active there, so this James, the father of Nathaniel Chesley and James B. is called James Daniel Sr.
Will Bk18-56 acct with Joel T. Watkins his admr:
[these first lists are fr Nov 1841]
$ to James H. Wells, H. W. Dunkley, H. M. Bedford for coffin, freight on Tobacco, bond due J. B. Scott assee of Jno S. Field.
$ from "cash on hand at intestates death" [this entry dated Nov 1841],
sale of est 8 Dec 1841, 3 Hhds Tobacco, recd of Ro. Y Overbey.
1843 accts: $ to W. F. Lych [sic], S. M. Bullock, admr J/I Lewis, Cardwell Clack, Chas ?Sturdivant, Rev. Wdwd Hines, A. C. Finley & Co, clerks Tickets, expenses on N. Carolina about Estate, fee Tax Suit v. Thos R. Feild, ....pd Geo W. Haywood for his expenses about estate prict[?], amt Bals on Note of A. &? R. Overbey.
note at Commissioner Dalys Office, Boydton 20 Dec 1852. His exam note says Joel T. Watkins is dead and Edward Tarry as his admin and Samuel D. Booker is the admr de bonis now of James Daniel decd. presented 19 Sep 1853, recd 18 Aug 1853
Will Bk18-95 acct of Samuel D. Booker admr de bonis non
Mar 1852 $ to Richd V. Daniel exr of John G. Daniel & Trustee for Woodson Daniel & his wife & Children under a decree of Court
Aug 1853 $ to Ann V. Watkins
Sep 1853 $ to N. C. & James B. Daniel, James B. Daniel, Ann V. Watkins
Nov 1853 Decree for costs of Chancery Suit in favor of Woodson Daniel. R. V. Daniel &c.
Nov 1853 $ to S. T. Daly for motion and this report....
Mar 1852 $ fr Daniels, Ligon & Watkins on part of their bond
Aug 1853 $ fr R. H. Jenkins in full of Strums bond and int to date
Sep 1853 $ fr James B. Daniel; Daniels Ligon & Watkins balance due on their bond this day; balance due fr Edward Tarry admr of Joel T. Watkins to est of James Daniel on settlement made by comr Daly...
examd note: comr Daly's Office, Boydton 1 Nov 1853.
returned 21 Nov 1853, recd 21 Dec 1853.

During the year 1853 one of Nathaniel's slaves Bob was hired out to Robert W. Burton and rehired by him to Augustine Landis [Deed Book 17, p. 235].

According to his wife and his brother, Nathaniel Chesley Daniel was feeble the last years of his life, and he died on 9 May of 1853. His will was probated in November that year and recorded in Book 19, p. 302.

In the name of God Amen. I Nathaniel C. Daniel of the County of Granville State of North Carolina knowing the uncertainty of life Do hereby make this my last will & testament whereby all writings testamentary before made by me are rendered null & void.
Item first. I do hereby will & wish that all my property real & personal be left in the hands of my Executrix to be hereafter named to be managed by her according to the rules of Justice & that she have the right & the same is hereby invested in her of selling property, paying debts & settling up all matters pertaining to my estate according to her own Idea of justice & law assisted by advice from such friends as she may wish to consult.
Item 2nd. I do hereby will & wish that my children minors or unmarried at the time of my death, do receive upon their attaining the age of majority or marriage [here is crossed out "a like"] a portion of the property [above the next word is a crossed out "like that"] now in my possession (to be judged by my executrix [next two words inserted above] like that which I have given to Joseph Morton & Anna his wife & to William C. Bullock & Fanny his wife to be their property forever.
Item the 3rd. I do hereby will & wish that in case of my wife's death before my younger children should attain the age of majority or before their marriage that my children so placed do receive a portion of Property to be judged by my brother James B. Daniel like that received by their older brothers & sisters to be their property forever.
Item the 4th. I do hereby will & wish that at my wife's death & after all my children have been provided for as above specified that the remainder of my property, if any, be Equally divided between all the Legatees of my Estate to be theirs forever.
Item the 5th. I do hereby appoint my beloved wife Ann H. Daniel my sole Executrix to carry out my will as above specified. In witness [next word is intentionally joined, written over and smudged] ofwhereof I have affixed my hand & seal this the 9th of May AD 1853.
Nat C Daniel (seal)
Signed Sealed & delivered in in [sic] presence of & interlined before signed
Jas A. Russell P. W. Young Jurat
North Carolina Granville County: November Court AD 1853
The execution of the foregoing last Will and testament of Nathaniel C Daniel was duly proven on oath in open Court by James A Russell and Peter W Young the subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be filed and recorded. At the same time came forward Ann H Daniel named as Executrix in said Will and duly qualified as Such.
Witness A Landis CW

There was eventually a long probate of Nathaniel Chesley Daniel's estate due to troubled business dealings between him and his brother James. In James' filing against Ann H. Daniel, widow of Nathaniel Chesley Daniel, he describes their failed mercantile business (first described above):
   ...that they sold much on credit, business was very unprofitable, no capital originally contributed, had to incur heavy obligations...a great many of the debts in their books were entered by persons that became insolvent or were very much embarrassed, and that in order to secure the payment of the whole or any portion thereof, the said partners were forced to give long indulgences or to take property which was unsaleable...
   ...[they] thought it best and most prudent to continue their copartnership for the purpose of the better management of the debts and property...both being planters and having a large portion of their estates in land and negroes hoped to be able to meet the deficiencies of said concern from the income derived by each from their estates year by year - especially as they were unwilling to sell their property at the then low prices...that the books of the said concern were kept entirely by his said partner [i.e. Nathaniel C.] from 1830-1846 with the exception of the time that they were kept by their clerk in Clarksville 1834-1844...
   ...further, that he [James] "has done well with his planting and made advances but Nathaniel C. Daniel although holding large property both in land and slaves, was a bad manager of his farm and realised but very small reciepts from his crops, and having a very large and expensive family his income did not generally amount to sufficient to pay his family expenses - and your orator [James] was constantly in the habit of advancing him mony for paying the tuition of his children and for other purposes and the said N. C. Daniel was largely indebted to your orator until the year 1853 when he discharged the same by a sale of several Negro slaves...still a balance due...
   ...that orator by his repeated and constant advances he has become in need of money, especially as he was called upon to pay such large sums toward extinguishing the debts and liabilities of the said concern...[says Nathaniel C. was his older bro, that James wanted to settle business accts, N.C. insisted they didn't need to as their credit was so good, etc.]...
   ...From her [Annes'] conversation with your orator at this time your orator was led to believe that if he would have an account stated in a different way...she would have no further objection to making the settlement. [so he did]...showed it to Ann...she still put off settlement, kept on for various pretexts...that orator has used every fair means to get settlement......that Ann owes 1/2 of the debts and failed to pay...your orator has been much perplexed & seriously embarrassed. All which actings and doings of the said defendant are contrary to Equity and good conscience and tend to the manifest wrong & injury of your plea that she pay and settle, etc."

Anne replied on 3 March 1860 [that's her signature to the reply above], saying:
   ...for several years prior to 1830 her husband N.C. Daniel and his father James Daniel, were merchandising at Simsville in Granvile under the name of James & N.C. Daniel...about 1830 James Daniel being desirous of advancing his two sons, the sd N.C. and J. B. Daniel, gave them the stock of goods on hand, &, either at the same time or subsequently, the Waterloo tract of land, & put up a store house, dwelling & other improvements, encumbering the same, however, with a debt of about $3000, due to Joel Watkins. (These facts on account of the great lapse of time she only desires as being understood as stating according to her best recolection) & set them up in business at Waterloo. That at the time the white [absolutely sic, it's not whole, which, or anything else, it's white, who knows what they meant?] family of her husband, was small, consisting of herself & two small children, & the complant [complainant] who boarded in the family free of charge (which she regards as liberal, contrasted with Complainant's close calculating, & straining demands, against the said N.C. Daniel, especially if it be true, that Complainant was so much more thrifty than said N.C. Daniel, and the clerks in the store, for whose board said N.C. Daniel charged only $60 a year, whereas Complainant charged $100 in Clarksville, for the same.
   ...they conducted their business at Waterloo, for some two or three years, when they closed the same, at a nett proffit of of [sic] $1200, as she is informed & believes.
   ...they then transferred their buisness [sic here and elsewhere] to Clarksville VA, & transferred also the Waterloo stock of goods, with every other interest of that concern. And Complainant moved to Clarksville, & took charge of the same, & conducted the buisness [sic] for some two or three years, when they sold out to the new firm of Daniels, Ligon & Watkins. [She didn't know much about the business, but learned from her husband] it was badly managed, & was unprofitable, that she knew that her husband was very anxious to settle it up, & spoke of the confused state of the books & business... his last years, when very feeble, too much so indeed to attend to any buisness, he fatigued himself, to but little purpose, in trying to reduce them to some buisness like state, but died before he had done so.
   ...that Nathaniel C. Daniel died in May 1853...she attended the next court but didn't probate will because of unsettled state of her husband's business, [had to find out] if it would be better to assent or dissent from will and take her dower, & whatever else the law would allow her...was advised by friends, among whom was complainant, to take time.... she asked complainant to ascertain debt and her liability, he wrote it was about $4000. She probated the will and qualified as exrx...that if complainant had represented the indebtedness as he now alleges it to be, it would have been greatly to her interest to dissent from the will: for since that time she has paid for the firm, the rise of $8000, with a balance still outstanding against her, as claimed by complainant of $9000. So the discrepancy made her doubtful of the current claims....that without intending to impute corruption, or in any wise to reflect upon the integrity of complainant, or Mr. Booker, yet she has not the slightest confidence in complainant's claims....
   ...Further answering defendant admits that if complainant advanced money to the firm or to her husband, he was entitled to have the same refunded, without inquiry as to whether he was a good farmer, or her husband a bad one. And, therefore, there was no propriety, & some indelicacy in any parade about it, in the Bill. She believes it would be nearer the truth to say, that neither of them was regarded by better judges than herself, as a good farmer.

Also among the probate documents are these:

1851 - acct of hire and also sale of Lucy ($500), London ($600), Hannah ($600), Willis & Alfred (together, $1050). return by James Hale, includes charge by Hale for board of negroes from 17 May till sold ($107.87).

May 1852 - note of payment from J. B. and Nath. C. Daniel to Jas. Williamson for 108 days board of 5 Negroes for 29 Jan 1857 to 17 May ($135)

Feb 1861 - account of sale of slaves:
Landon $400 to James South
George $750 to S. Fike
Mary $395 to Z. A. Bennett
Tom $600 to James Table?
Milly & 3 children $850, no real dittoes, can't tell to whom sold
Anderson $1000 to Spencer Rugledge
Stephen $650 to Spencer Rutledge
Received for Old Peter $4.00
Received for More [not really Mose] $12.00
Received for John Clack $40
return by Moses H. Daniel.

There are more receipts referring to the same sales as above, one includes the sale of Betsey [not listed previously, $12], one is called "Nathl Daniel 'Statement' to Moses H. Daniel" re slave sale prices. James Hall bought Willis and Alfred (I think), but it might be jointly to Hall and Williamson. [note Hale/Hall. Also Hall and Williamson may just be sales agents.] Yet another receipt looks like James Hall bought Lucy, London, Hannah, Willis and Alfred.]

Another account labels them as belonging thus to owners:
N. C. Daniels Negros: Landon, Tom, Anderson, Stephen, Lucy, Hannah
J.B. Daniels Negroes: Mary, George, Milly & children [not named], Willis & Alfred

The 1860 census for Granville shows Ann Daniel, widow of Nathaniel Chesley Daniel, in the Goshen District (P.O. Oak Hill) on p. 457:
Ann Daniel 55 b. NC, real estate $9205, personal estate $40000
Lucy 30 b. VA
George 21 b. NC
Samuel 19 b. NC
Nat. 17 b. NC
Alice 15 b. NC
William R. Daniel age 24 lives in the next household, is a farmer, with personal estate valued at $4000. This is her son William Richard. It is son Nathaniel B. age 17, who will ultimately live at the Tranquility house and land. James B. Daniel and his family are again over in "Abrams Planes" on p. 196. He died on 1 July 1883 according to the estate papers. I will not be giving much more details about him, again keeping this focused on Tranquility lands proper.

The 1860 Slave Schedules for NC Granville Goshen District show Ann H. Daniel owning the following 44 slaves by age, gender, race:

69 Female Black
63 Male Black
56 Female Black
55 Male Black
49 Female Black
48 Female Black
47 Male Black
47 Male Black
46 Female Black
36 Female Black
31 Female Mulatto
27 Male Mulatto
25 Female Black
25 Female Black
24 Female Black
24 Female Black
22 Female Black
21 Female Black
20 Male Black
19 Female Black
19 Male Black
18 Male Black
17 Male Black
16 Female Black
16 Male Black
16 Female Black
16 Female Black
14 Female Black
14 Female Black
10 Female Black
9 Female Black
9 Male Black
6 Female Black
5 Female Black
4 Male Black
4 Male Black
3 Male Black
3 Male Black
2 Male Black
1 Female Black
1 Female Black
1 Male Black
1 Male Black
1 Female Black

The Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill holds the Nathaniel Chesley Daniel papers, collection #4251-z, which includes information about Tranquility and other Daniel business, and a photograph of three former Daniel and Bullock family slaves, Jim, Rose, and Lawson*.

The following families are listed close to each other in the 1870 census for Granville in Walnut Grove township (Oxford P.O.) on pp. 406B-407. I don't know for sure that all are from the Tranquility group, but I'm fairly certain Lawson, Milly, and James are.

family #101-97 is:
Stephen Hobgood and family (white)
listed with them, unnumbered, but as what should be family #102-98 (Black) is:
Zack Daniel 56 NC, works on farm
Frankie 45 NC, keeps house
Benj 20 NC, works on farm
Lucy 15 NC, works on farm
Jane 25 NC, day laborer
Dina 30 NC, day laborer
John 6 NC, --
Mary 10 NC, at home
Samuel 12 NC, at home

The next family, #103-99, the residents and owners of Tranquility:
George Daniel 31 NC farmer
Fannie C. 22 VA
Fannie C. 2 VA
Anne Daniel 65 NC

I simply cannot find son Nathaniel Beverly Daniel, b. 1842 anywhere in the 1870 census. His soon-to-be wife, Harriet Baillie Bullock is still in Clark County Arkansas, where she was born in 1849, daughter of Charles L. Bullock. Her memoirs (later in this article) indicate that Nat came there sometime after the war, lived and worked for a while, returned to North Carolina, then came back for her in January 1872. It is their descendants who will live at Tranquility into the next century. A recent interesting find, there is an N.B. Daniels in 1870, age 29, born VA, working as a miner, living in Gold Hill, Story County Nevada!?!? If young Nat took off on a young man's adventure, the family did not seem to know about it, based on Harriet's memoirs and current family knowledge.

family #105-101 (Black) is:
*Lawson Daniel 28 NC works on farm
Clemmie[?] 25 NC, keeps house
Walter 7 NC
Nathaniel 4 NC
Jordan 3 NC
James 2 NC

family #106-102 (Black) is:
David Daniel 60 NC, works on farm
Korvitt[?] 50 NC, keeps house
Robert 19 NC, works on farm
Sheford 20 NC, on the farm
John 2 NC
*Milly 80 NC, "no occupation"
Jane 3 NC

family #113-109 (Black) is:
*James Daniel 25 NC, works on farm
Lucy 18 NC, keeps house
Phill 5 NC
Littleton ? NC
Infant 6/12 NC

As far as Tranquility lands go, there is much more work to do on the deeds to determine what happened. The will of Nathaniel Chesley Daniel left it to Ann to devise his estate and equal out the children's shares. But the later records that I do have so far seem to indicate that the major part of the land will end up in the hands of their sons George and Nathaniel B. Daniel. Nat's family lived in the original Tranquility house which is southwest of NC highway 96; the George B. Daniel home is northeast of NC-96 highway about a half mile. The estate was rejoined in the 20th century and is now owned by a member of the 7th generation. [Many thanks to Ed Morton for help on the locations and explanations of the George B. Daniel family descent.]

It is here that we must backtrack a ways to pick up the history of Harriet Bailey Bullock who married Nathaniel B. Daniel in 1872. Harriet was the daughter of Charles Lewis Bullock, brother to Ann Harriet Bullock Daniel. Charles migrated in the 1840s, to Tennessee for a while, and then on to Arkansas, finally settling in Clarke County, where daughter Harriet was born on 18 Dec 1849. Harriet, when in her eighties, was asked by her daughter to write down the memories and many stories she had told her children all their lives. The result is a delightful book called A Remembrance of Eden - Harriet Bailey Bullock Daniel's Memories of a Frontier Plantation in Arkansas, 1849-1872, Edited and with an Introduction by Margaret Jones Bolsterli, published by The University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville, 1993. Ms. Bolsterli has compiled Harriet's writings and has footnoted much of it with research she did to explain and elaborate on many of the topics covered. It's a wonderful window into the era, the area and the life. Towards the end of the book, Harriet tells the story of how she came to know the man who would become her husband, Nathaniel B. Daniel. The passages quoted here tell about Nat's movements as well as about him as a person; any comments of mine are in straight brackets. In her own words:

When Brother Tom returned home after the war, he told us of his many interesting experiences, especially of his visits among his relatives. He said he spent much time at Aunt Nancy's (Charles Bullock's sister) and she had several sons in the war. One, Nat Daniel, was about his age and he had invited him to come out west when the war was over. (p.86)

Brother Tom came in from the store one day with the news that he had received a letter from one of our cousins in North Carolina, Nat Daniel, a druggist whom he had met while in the army, asking if he might stop over and make us a visit while on his way to join his brother, Venable, a druggist in San Marcos, Texas. (p.117)

He [Nat] was not very tall, but had a graceful soldierly bearing and was handsome and neatly dressed. The merry twinkle in his black eyes and his kindly smile won a place in the hearts of us all.... The town boys said our cousin from the east would soon win the hearts of all the girls and they would be left out in the cold. (p.117-118)
As Cousin Nat had studied pharmacy while in college in Charlotte before the war, and another clerk was needed in our drug store, he was induced to surrender his plan of going to Texas for a position offered him in we became good friends and indeed, he did befriend me in my studies....Here Cousin Nat would help me, too, and I liked so much to hear him read the declamations and orations so numerous in our readers of that time. (p.118)

I found out later that someone had told Sister Nannie I was making myself a goose about Cousin Nat and she had planned the party to throw us together where she could see if this were true. When I asked her about it, she said I certainly did not give him any undue attention and seemed more interested in other boys, but that he did stay at my heels whenever he could.
And didn't I tell you that your grandpa never allowed us to bring cards in the house. Cousin Nat told me long afterwards that he brought a pack with him, but when he found that Pa did not allow us to play, he hid them in the loft of the weaver's room and never saw them again. He did not play with the other boys in Arkadelphia. (p.119)

[re sending Harriet to college in Alabama]
If I had known there was a plot behind it all, things might have been different, but I was all unconscious that the home folks were sending me away from Cousin Nat to prevent my marrying a first cousin. Not that they objected to him personally, for they loved him dearly and admired and respected him. But my elders knew that back east there had been frequent intermarriages in the past generations of Bullocks and that the continuation of this might prove unfortunate. If they had let the matter alone, no doubt Cousin Nat and I would have quarreled and fallen out.... (p.120-121) [Actually Harriet ended up teaching school instead for a couple years and returned to Arkansas after spring of 1870.]

Cousin Nat had a long spell of fever and had gone out to Sylvan Home [the Bullock's plantation] to stay until he was strong enough to return to work in the store. He wrote to me occasionally. (p.125) [It turns out he would put two letters in the envelopes, one for public and one for Harriet to read privately! Upon her return home Nat and Harriet recognized their feelings for each other.]

Cousin Nat's health was too bad to stand the confinement of the store, so he arranged with Pa to stay on and help with the work around the place. (p.130)

And Cousin Nat had his call away too. One day Cousin Nat received a letter from home telling him that his mother needed him to help look after the plantation. His health was delicate and while he was sick he had to put all he had in the plantation to save it for his mother. Now it seemed that his interest and his mother's happiness called him back home. He thought, too, he might get stronger by leaving the river bottoms of Arkansas, where he had contracted malaria. Immediately he made preparations for leaving. Everyone seemed sad to see him go. He was not prepared to take me with him, neither was I prepared to go. It was behind the dining room door that he said the last hasty goodbye and I joined the others to wave farewell as he drove off. (p.132)

In December he wrote me that he was coming back to take me out to North Carolina with him. I had by then started my trousseau...and I had everything ready by the time he arrived in January....
Cousin Nat had written me that the times in the east were equally as hard since the war as they were in the west. I could not expect to enter upon the life of comfort which he would like so much to provide me. About the middle of January he came. When Cousin Nat came, he looked so handsome! And he wore a beautiful overcoat. I asked him secretly where he got it and learned that it was borrowed from his brother-in-law. (pp.132-133)

Our wedding day was set for January twenty-fourth; the twenty-fourth of January in '72 was beautiful....[Her father was very sad at her leaving.] Our bridal party was, however, a very merry one as Cousin Nat and I said goodbye to the dear ones at Sylvan Home and set out in a buggy to meet the stage at Tulip....Before retiring I handed Cousin Nat the Bible and he had family prayers just as Pa had always done. And so, with the Book as our guide, we went on, facing a heavy snow storm, to travel by stage, rail, and private conveyance to my new home in North Carolina, where I have "lived happily ever after," and I am eighty.

Yes, Nathaniel and "Bailey" Daniel took up their new life at Tranquility Plantation in Granville:
1880 Census, NC Granville, Walnut Grove township, ed 103 p. 30B:
Nathaniel Daniel 38 NC N[sic] NC, farmer
Bailie 31 AR NC NC
Sue B. 7 NC NC AR
Alice 4 NC NC AR
Sarah 2 NC NC AR
Ann H. Daniel 76 "mother" NC NC NC, widow and unemployed for 12 months of current year
Sue Bullock 33 "sister Law" TN NC NC

In ed 103, p. 28D is:
George Daniel 42 NC VA NC, farmer
Fannie 33 VA VA VA
Fannie C. 11 NC NC VA
Nathaniel C. 8 NC NC VA
Hattie 6 NC NC VA
Crighton 4 NC NC VA
George W. 3 NC NC VA
Annie 3/12 NC NC VA
David Bullock 48 NC NC NC, works on farm

Next to George and his family are:
[Black, all born NC, all parents born NC]
Lawson Daniel 38, works on farm
Penny 30, keeping house
Walter 17, works on farm
Nat 16, works on farm
Jimmie 12, works on farm
Judge 13, works on farm
Aggie 10, at home
Lawson 6
Bella 5
Carrie 4
Doctor 3
Ida 1

Ann Harriet (Bullock) Daniel, widow of Nathaniel Chesley Daniel died on 25 March 1883. Her will is not indexed as being proved in court, but son Nathaniel B. Daniel is called her executor in loose estate papers.

Inventory of the personal
and real Estate of Mrs. A. H.
Daniel deceased
To wit
300 Achres of Land
One book Case
11 Parlor Chairs
One Lot of Books
1 Candl Stand
3 Bureaus
3 Matresses
3 Feather beds
3 Yarn Coverlets
5 White Counterpanes
5 Beadsteads
1 Sett China
1 Desk
1 Sideboard
1 Dining table
5 Side tables
1 Brass Kettle
2 Spinning Wheels
3 Iron Pots
4 Setts Silver Spoons
3 Pitchers
2 Bowls
2 Tea waiters
1 Trunk
2 pares Curtains
2 pairs Brass Candl Sticks
2 Jars
2 head Cattle
2 Preserve dishes
10 Dining Chairs
14 Chairs
3 Looking Glasses
1 Sofa
3 pr Tongs
1 Shovel
1 Bed Pan
1 Clock Reel [? might be Rul, this is in Nathaniel's handwriting]
N.B. Daniel Exr
Sworn and subscribed before
R. W. Landis Clk Nov 8 1883
All spelling is as on the document, the clerk wrote this list, Nat added the last item and signed (that's his signature above on the inventory).

James Beverly Daniel, Nat and George's uncle, died on 1 July 1883. Although he had moved from the immediate area, 1883 marks the passing of the third generation of Tranquility folk.

In the 1886 publication of "Emerson's North Carolina Tobacco Belt Directory" N. B. Daniel is listed as having 300 acres in the Oak Hill. This is Nathaniel Beverly Daniel of the 1880 census, son of Nathaniel Chesley Daniel and Ann Harriet Bullock Daniel. George B. Daniel is also in Oak Hill with 540 acres. There is also a Chesley Daniel with 204 acres in Oak Hill; there are a couple of candidates of the name in the immediate family, but based on the census I also suspect he could be the Chesley who married Lucy Noblin, a descendant of Josiah Daniel, living a bit north of Tranquility.

The Daniel families of Tranquility appears on the 1900-1930 census in the Walnut Grove township. The property seems to be just about right on the boundary of today's Oak Hill and Walnut Grove Townships, thus the variation at times in the older records, depending on the formation of the newer townships; the county is today cut into 8 townships, just about equal 2 west-east by 4 north-south.

The 5th generation of the Tranquility Daniel family, siblings born and raised on the section that had the original house, are the children of Nathaniel Beverly Daniel and Harriet Bailey Bullock, shown here in the early 1950s:

Thanks to Bill Seay for photograph.

Seated is Sue Bullock Daniel, b. 21 Oct 1873, married James Webb.
Standing left to right are:
Bailey Bullock Daniel, b. 21 Aug 1881, d. 9 Sep 1969, married Richard Lewis.
Sara Morton Daniel, b. 10 Apr 1878, d. 20 Jul 1956, married James Franklin Coleman.
William Richard "Will" Daniel, b. 28 Oct 1885, d. 4 Dec 1972, married Lucy E. Daniel
Alice Goodridge Daniel, b. 5 Sep 1876, d. 6 May 1966, never married.
Nathaniel Venable Daniel, b. 2 Oct 1883, d. May 1971, md. Emelyn Gray Holton. (Nathaniel's family continued to live at Tranquility into the 1930s.)
Another son Charles was born 1 Feb 1875 and d. 30 Nov 1878.

Dr. Nathaniel V. Daniel, of the sixth generation of the Tranquility Daniel family, is the third great grandson of Chesley Daniel (and the fourth generation to carry the name Nathaniel!); he spent his early years on Tranquility. In 2005, he remembers something about his father being three when the new Tranquility house was built. That would place its construction in about 1886. The original house was off to the immediate rear of the new one, but it burned down in the 1970s. The 1880s Tranquility house standing today is a white framed house.

Bill Seay, a fourth great grandson of Chesley Daniel, explains (2005) that Tranquility remained in the Daniel family until 1979. The new owner is Mr. John Malloy, who operates the Dogwood Gun Club there; he is the great grandson of George Bullock and Fannie Crighton Daniel. The Daniel-Morton cemetery remains well tended by him. Bill has also visited Tranquility and says they have built a big lodge behind the old house.

The old house now has a sign on the front porch that says "Welcome to Dogwood". Dr. Daniel says that Mr. Malloy has also restored many of the original details that had been taken in the intervening years when the house was rented out. He describes that today the henhouse is still in its place, the smokehouse has been moved about 100 feet from its original place, and there is now a plaque commemorating the early Daniel family in the old house. Dr. Daniel donated the family papers of Nathaniel Chesley Daniel, to the University of North Carolina, abstracts are available here.

Pictures at Tranquility Cemetery

Thank you for visiting and reading about Tranquility. I hope later descendants will some day pick up where this record leaves off and continue to share the wonderful saga of Tranquility.
Contact me if you have questions, comments, or information that you can add!

(Sorry, have to copy by hand, the harvester-spammers have gotten to be too much.)


The record evidence and now a perfect dna match to this line show that my James Daniel (1747-1820) is the brother of Chesley, and son of James Daniel of Albemarle and Jane Hicks.
Read about it here.

Read about my James Daniel (1747-1820) and wife Sally Cocke

The slave records from my research

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30 March 2005